
Tuition Fees for the Michaelmas Term 2024

Nursery School day 8.30am – 3.30pm: (full day) £3,988 per term
Nursery Mornings only 8.30am – 1.00pm £2,244 per term
Nursery Full day 8.00am – 6.00pm £5,100 per term
Nursery 5 mornings or 3 school days:  (mornings only) £2,244 per term
Nursery Additional school day £870 per term
Nursery Additional afternoon £350 per term

The Nursery is flexible: we are open to other arrangements which may include a combination of full days, school days and mornings. A bespoke fee would be agreed along the lines of the above. Nursery options above assume 15 free hours and do not include lunch.

Where a child qualifies for Ealing Council’s 15 free hours standard provision during those hours is free but the school provides additional chargeable services during those hours. Additional hours are charged separately. Both charges are applicable.

Pre-Preparatory Department: £5,190 per term or £15,570 a year
With 15 Free Hours £4,294 per term made up of:
Additional Services £1,267 and Additional Hours £3,028 per term
Prep Department: £5,805 per term or £17,415 a year
Senior Department: £6,948 per term or £20,844 a year


Cooked school lunches are billed per term and will be billed in advance before the start of each term.

Invoices and Payments

A term’s fees are due on the first day of term.

Monthly Direct Debits will be collected on, or soon after, the first day of September, October, November, January, February, March, May, June and July.

Extras for collection by direct debit will be collected on, or just after, the first day of term.

Termly fees for collection by direct debit will be collected on, or just after, the first day of term.

Fees in Advance Scheme

The objective of the Fees in Advance Scheme (the Scheme) is to provide a method where the cost of your child’s education at St Augustine’s Priory (the School) can be reduced by making an advance lump sum payment.

Please see link to a document outlining the Fees in Advance Scheme Terms and Conditions and an FAQ document.

Fees in Advance Scheme T&C

Fees in Advance Scheme FAQ

Notice Periods

Our policies regarding the payment of fees and deposits are set out in the School’s Parent Contract document, available on this website. A term’s notice in writing is required to discontinue optional subjects.

Sibling Discount

A discount is awarded to siblings of pupils at St Augustine’s Priory. The discount is as follows:

2nd child 7.5%
3rd child 12.5%
4th child 20%
5th child 100%

Bank Details

Bank Barclays
Sort Code 20-00-00
Account No. 03589781
Account Name St Augustines Priory School Ltd
Transfers from Non-UK Bank Accounts
International Bank Account No. GB20 BARC 2000 0003 5897 81
Branch Identifier Code BARCGB22

Contact Details

Mrs G Vymeris, Assistant Bursar
Tel 0208 991 7501
Email: GVymeris@sapriory.com