Category: The Association

Wonderful Weddings

22nd July 2022

Celebrations in the Chapel. Since the end of the Summer Term we have been delighted to celebrate not one, but two weddings of past pupils in our Chapel.  On the first weekend of the Summer holidays, Rozzy married Jake and on the following weekend, Olivia married Jonah. Both weddings were beautiful and joyous occasions filled…

Priory Farm visitors

8th June 2022

Enjoying our Meadow and Farm. On a sunny Friday 27th May we welcomed two year groups from the St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School in Hammersmith.  This was the second visit to the Priory Farm in a matter of days as pupils from the Ellen Wilkinson School had visited the farm on 20th May.  The Priory…

Headteacher’s Blog: Creating Space

7th March 2022

‘A very warm welcome to the Society of Heads Conference 2022. What a pleasure it is to welcome so many people in person. We also welcome people joining us online. We last met for conference shortly before the first lockdown in March 2020.  Since then we have climbed the mountain of moving schools online, responding…

Mrs Sharon Charlesworth

5th March 2021

Tribute. Many of you will remember past pupil and former Augustinian parent, Sharon Charlesworth.  Mrs Charlesworth sadly passed away on Sunday 14th February after a long illness.  Her courage and shining, joyful character was an example of a life well lived. Her funeral is on Monday 8th March and, rather fittingly, her funeral procession will…

Premiere at the BBC Proms 2020

15th September 2020

Composer Hannah Kendall. The BBC Proms, the annual festival of classical music, is enjoyed every year by millions.  In 2020, the festival ran from 17th July until the Last Night of the Proms on Saturday 12th September.  This year, owing to the pandemic, it was unfortunately not possible to hold live concerts from the beginning…

Prayers for all

26th March 2020

Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten Theatre Company, a professional Catholic theatre company which has often visited St Augustine’s Priory, has prepared resources for us all to use at this time.  We are attaching the following prayers and are grateful to Ten Ten for them. We do hope you find them of use.        …

Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership

29th November 2019

Journeying together in faith. Launched on 27th November 2019, the Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership is a ground-breaking initiative from four of West London’s premier Catholic schools: The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, St Augustine’s Priory, St Benedict’s School and the Sacred Heart High School. Collaborative working between these four schools will enable them to utilise a…

Jingle Bell Bash

29th November 2019

Christmas Extravaganza. On Friday 6th December the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee is promising a Christmas event like no other.  The ‘Jingle Bell Bash’ will see the Nursery, Preps and Juniors enjoying a Disco and Fair while the Seniors gather for a Christmas Cinema event. The Nursery and Prep I will enjoy the event from…

Canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman

11th October 2019

‘From shadows and images into truth’. Rome will see thousands of visitors on Sunday 13th October as this is the day that Blessed John Henry Newman will be canonised.  Along with Miss Johnson, our SENCO, Cardinal Vincent Nichols will lead a delegation of seventeen English and Welsh Bishops and the Prince of Wales will also…