Category: The Association

The Miraculum Children’s Choir

22nd June 2018

Inspirational visitors. This week has seen some extraordinary visitors come to St Augustine’s Priory.  We welcomed the Miraculum Children’s Choir from the Kodály School in Kecskemét, Hungary.  Led by László Durányik, this world-famous choir has won accolades and awards for over twenty years and we were delighted to welcome them to Ealing as first stop…

Association: 2008 Leavers return

21st June 2018

A ten year reunion. We are all looking forward to the Association Day on Saturday 30th June when current and past pupils, parents and staff will join together to enjoy a wonderful day of entertainment in our grounds. A foretaste of this day was held on Sunday 13th May when the leavers of Summer 2008…

Blooming in June…

19th June 2018

Ealing in Bloom competition. Tuesday 19th June saw us welcome three judges from the Ealing in Bloom competition.  We were delighted to be able to show them around our grounds and tell them about all the wonderful things that happen there! Mrs Knowles together with Nancy from Lower I, Alice from Upper I, Ivy and…

Share the Journey

15th June 2018

Walking in solidarity. Every year thousands of people around the world flee their home countries in a bid to reach safety.  They risk separation from loved ones, great danger and sometimes death. Next week we will be finding out about and sharing some of these journeys.  Through CAFOD’s ‘Share the Journey’ campaign we will be…

Gamechanging: #Womenswellness Week

13th June 2018

A Journey of Discovery. The St Augustine’s Priory Women’s Wellness Week, taking place throughout this week, is full of some amazing activities and talks.  We were privileged to open the week by hearing talks from Augustinian parent, Mrs Ransome, who addressed both Seniors and Juniors at their Assemblies on Monday to kick start the week…

Priory 6 Careers

8th June 2018

Inspirational alumnae. As Lower VI have been sitting their internal examinations this week they may be looking forward several years to when they will be established in their careers and returning to St Augustine’s Priory to share their experiences with the future Priory 6. One member of the current Lower VI, Portia Laryea-Adu demonstrated such…

App at St Augustine’s Priory

8th June 2018

Accessing our site on the go. Did you know that there is a St Augustine’s Priory App?  We have over 1,100 devices which has the App installed so the probability is that you do.  If you don’t then you should download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. The App is…

Miraculum Children’s Choir

7th June 2018

A date for your diary… We are all looking forward to the visit later in June of the world-renowned Miraculum Children’s Choir from the Kodály Music School in Hungary, directed by Laszlo Durányik.  The choir will be visiting us from the evening of Wednesday 20th until the morning of Friday 22nd June. We are privileged…

Racing for Life

7th June 2018

A whole school runs. On Sunday 3rd June, a day of glorious sunshine, a strong contingent of girls, parents and staff from the St Augustine’s Priory community running in the Race for Life for Cancer Research UK.  Mrs Gosling, Director of Sport, reports:   ‘The St Augustine’s Priory pink army assembled for the Race for…

First Holy Communion Celebration

7th June 2018

Lower I commemorate a special occasion. Every year at St Augustine’s Priory we celebrate our First Holy Communicants.  Over the previous weeks girls in Lower I have received their First Holy Communion in their parishes and we mark this important event in the girls’ lives with a special Mass.  Prep III to Upper II, families,…