Category: The Association

Priory 6 and Women’s Wellness Week

25th May 2018

Plans for the week of 11th – 15th June. In school assemblies on Friday, 25th May, Priory 6 introduced us to the plans for Women’s Wellness Week, running from 11th – 15th June. This will be a packed week of events and talks at St Augustine’s Priory, encompassing many issues which impact on women’s lives. …

The Priory Farm welcomes visitors

22nd May 2018

St Gregory’s Nursery pupils meet our farm animals.  The St Augustine’s Priory Farm is going from strength to strength, providing a wonderful learning environment for children of all ages, whether for science lessons, for those who plan to enter a career working with animals or simply for those who enjoy their company! Last Friday, 18th…

À Paris avec St Augustine’s Priory (Part I)

17th May 2018

 Lower IV and Upper IV embrace La France.  Monday 14th May dawned bright and early for twenty-two Lower IV and Upper IV pupils and four members of staff.  They had all managed to get themselves by 5.00a.m. to St Augustine’s Priory where a coach was waiting to whisk them off to St Pancras station to…

Running and raising funds

24th April 2018

Mr Alejandro and the London Marathon 2018. The London Marathon, held last weekend, was a challenge for all athletes not only in terms of endurance but also in having to cope with the weather.  The hottest London Marathon on record it is a remarkable feat for those who finished.  Among those, finishing in the splendid…

Calling all Upper VI leavers of the class of 2008!

22nd March 2018

St Augustine’s Priory Association invites you to return! It’s ten years since the Upper VI of 2008 left St Augustine’s Priory.  Time for so many things to have happened in their lives.  And now it’s time to revisit St Augustine’s Priory! The St Augustine’s Priory Association is  delighted that on Sunday 13th May the Upper…

Priory 6 Photography News

19th March 2018

Student’s work displayed in exhibition. We are delighted to announce that the work of Daniela Cebotari, Priory 6 Photography student, will be featured in an exhibition this week of at the Espacio Gallery (159 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 7DG). Daniela entered ‘The Bigger Picture’ photography competition and her entry was commended by the judges,…

Our new Stations of the Cross

9th March 2018

A Lenten journey.   Today, Fr Fergal Maguire, Parish Priest of St Aidan of Lindisfarne in East Acton and of Our Lady of Lourdes in Acton High Street, came to St Augustine’s Priory to bless our new Stations of the Cross, situated in the grounds on the Hanger Lane side, nailed to trees.  Organised by…

A Winter Wonderland

28th February 2018

It’s No Joke! (Er, it’snow joke?). Like most of the country, St Augustine’s Priory was covered in snow today.  All the inhabitants, whether human or other enjoyed the whole experience!  Here are some pictures of girls, sheep and a lone chicken braving the weather and making the most of the snowy spring conditions. From the…

CAFOD Lent Fast Day 2018

27th February 2018

Jacqueline Stuyt-Simpson:  Gamechanger.  If you are ever wondering if  – or even how – one person can make a difference, we would like to draw your attention to Jacqueline Stuyt-Simpson.  Jacqueline Simpson was born in 1919 and for her schooldays attended St Augustine’s Priory and thereafter studied Modern Languages at King’s College, London. And she…

Mental Health and Book Week unite

26th February 2018

New publication. Having just celebrated our Book Week with some stupendous activities, Mr Elder, English Department, highlights an issue very much in the spotlight: ‘As a school we have mental health very much in mind – both in regard to students and ourselves. The charity MIND provides support and funding for support services for those…