Category: Faith Life

Lower IV: In a time and place

1st October 2020

Interpreting religious art. Lower IV have been completing a unit entitled, ‘In a time and place’, looking at the historical, cultural, political and religious background of Jesus using resources supplied by RE today.  Here we have produced the analysis of the three paintings by three of the Lower IV pupils. Ms Corkery tells us, ‘As…

Upper IV and ‘The Way’

29th September 2020

The importance of pilgrimage. Mrs McDermott reports that, as part of their unit on Pilgrimage, Upper IV have watched the film, ‘The Way’, made in 2010, about a man’s journey along The Camino de Santiago, the Way of St James, the network of pilgrimage routes that ends at the tomb of St James in the…

Prep II and Prep III Mass

25th September 2020

The Good Shepherd. Prep II and Prep III produced a wonderful display of sheep in the Chapter Room this week!  This was in preparation for their Celebratory Mass on 23rd September to begin the school year.  This was on the theme of ‘The Good Shepherd’, and Miss Keane, Deputy Head Juniors (Academic), had this to…

News from Zambia

25th September 2020

Lubasi Home developments. We have received some news from Mrs Sarah Bramble (expedition coordinator), who is our link with Lubasi Home in Zambia, for which we raised the wonderful sum of £1,400 earlier in the year.  This is what she has to tell us: ‘It was a very exciting meeting of St Augustine students, their…

Real change, enduring change

24th September 2020

One step at a time. ‘Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time’.  So said Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, who died on 18th September 2020. The poem below, ‘In the steps of RBG’ by American poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer speaks about the change that…

Our new, ‘virtual’ Carlo House

24th September 2020

Community and Remote Learning Online (CARLO). One of the greatest challenges of self-isolation is exactly that sense of isolation, which can make people of all ages feel cut off from their friends and relations.  We are therefore delighted to announce the launch of ‘Carlo’, a new ‘virtual’ House for all students (and staff) who are…

Lower II’s cross-curricular approach

18th September 2020

Explosions of colour! Mrs Round, Lower IIA Form Teacher, RE and Faith Leader and Science Leader, here shows how Lower II are embracing a cross-curricular approach to their subjects, combing Art with R.E. and ICT.  They have produced some glorious pieces of ‘Creation Art’ art work, incorporating theological questions, whilst also demonstrating their growing skills…

Resting in balance

11th September 2020

‘For Equilibrium’. We would like to share with you the following words, an oasis of grace in these turbulent days.  It is from John O’Donohue’s inspirational book,  ‘Benedictus, A Book of Blessings’ and is entitled ‘For Equilibrium’.  Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore, May the relief of laughter rinse through your…

Theme for the year

10th September 2020

‘RADIO’. During their time at St Augustine’s Priory, pupils are allocated into the four school Houses:  St Gabriel, St Michael, St Raphael and St George which compete throughout the school year, for example in sports or during Charities Week.  The first three House patrons are the Archangels and, during the Michaelmas Term, on 29th September,…

Progression 2020

7th September 2020

‘Gustonbury’. Progression at St Augustine’s Priory marks the departure of our summer 2020 Upper VI leavers and their progression to university and life beyond school.  It takes the form of a formal dinner and is a wonderful occasion.  This year, of necessity, we were unable to hold a formal meal and so took everything outside. …