Category: Faith Life

Welcome Back!

4th September 2020

Beginning a new year. Thursday 3rd September saw pupils return to St Augustine’s Priory for the start of the Michaelmas Term 2020.  A time of renewing friendships, welcoming new friends to St Augustine’s Priory and enjoying the excitement of moving up into new classes.  We started off the year by celebrating two Masses, with Fr…

Prep III’s day at St Augustine’s Priory

3rd July 2020

Happiness and Courage.   Thursday 2nd July saw a wonderful day for Prep III as they joined together in the grounds at St Augustine’s Priory for a long-awaited day together.  They held their Retreat in the morning, which was followed by activities. The culmination of the day was their Songs and Certificates celebration in the…

Lower V and the Recovery Curriculum

26th June 2020

Reflecting on the times.   All through this week of 22nd to 26th June, we have welcomed members of Lower V back to St Augustine’s Priory where they have participated in their Recovery Curriculum.  The aim is to help pupils to recover from their loss of routine, structure, friendship, sleep, opportunity and freedom.; a valuable…

Lower I Songs and Certificates

25th June 2020

Courage.   The theme of ‘Courage’ resonated throughout the Lower I Songs and Certificates celebration today.  Following a morning’s Retreat, Lower I gathered to sing and to speak.  Girls were socially distanced in the Chapel and Miss Westley accompanied Lower I on the piano and friends who were not present joined virtually. This was a…

Upper I Songs and Certificates

24th June 2020

A celebration of achievement. Upper I was welcomed at St Augustine’s Priory yesterday, Tuesday 23rd June, to celebrate their year of achievement with their Songs and Certificates.  After weeks of virtual learning the girls were very excited to be together again (with social distancing firmly to the fore, together with lots of hand sanitising).  After…

Prayers for all

26th March 2020

Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten Theatre Company, a professional Catholic theatre company which has often visited St Augustine’s Priory, has prepared resources for us all to use at this time.  We are attaching the following prayers and are grateful to Ten Ten for them. We do hope you find them of use.        …

Lower VI researchers

24th March 2020

Pax Christi. Lower VI has not let the grass grow under their feet.  In today’s remote learning lesson (24th March), Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E., gave them a mission to research and write about Pax Christi, the international organisation which works for peace based on the gospel. Over the last half term Priory 6 has…

World Book Day and Book Week

6th March 2020

The Year of the Word. From a rock that David threw at Goliath to Queen Esther to an entire Nativity scene the pupils and staff at St Augustine’s Priory threw themselves into World Book Day on Thursday and its theme of characters from the Bible.  Pupils dressed as characters from the Old and New Testaments…

Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership

6th March 2020

A concert of four schools joining together. The evening of Monday 23rd March sees a not-to-be missed concert of the Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership.  Taking place at 7.30pm in Ealing Abbey, with guest vocalists VOCES8, this will be an evening when the four schools in the partnership join together for an evening of wonderful music-making….

‘The God who Speaks’

28th February 2020

Poetry Competition. Ms Corkery, Religious Education Department, reports on the competition which combined R.E. with creative writing! ‘As part of ‘The God who Speaks’ theme for this school year, the Religious Education Department recently ran a poetry competition at Key Stage 3. The task was to create a poem inspired in some way by the…