Category: Faith Life

Ash Wednesday

28th February 2020

Our prayerful beginning to Lent. Following the excitement of the pancakes on Shrove Tuesday the next day we marked Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  Lent is the period of forty days leading up to Easter, a time when we prepare through fasting, penitence and prayer for Easter.   Two Masses were held on Wednesday,  celebrated…

Our Lenten work

28th February 2020

The Catholic Children’s Society. At Senior Assembly on Monday this week we were visited by Ms K Waring from the Catholic Children’s Society, the organisation we will be supporting throughout Lent via the collection boxes which have been distributed one to each class.  The CCS supports disadvantaged children and families across London, Hertfordshire and the…

Wellness Week 2020

14th February 2020

Whole School Involvement From the Nursery right through to Upper VI, all at St Augustine’s Priory were involved in Wellness Week 2020.  A host of activities took place, starting on Monday 10th February when Priory 6 students visited the Nursery to talk about how to look after ourselves and each other. Ms Hagerty led a…

Senior Liturgy Prefects visit Westminster Cathedral

13th February 2020

The God who speaks: The year of the Word On Thursday 30th January, the Liturgy Prefects from Form III – Upper IV attended Mass at Westminster Cathedral and followed this with a tour of the ‘Tents of Meeting’ Scripture Road Show, organised to mark ‘The God Who Speaks:  The Year of the Word’, this year’s…

God loves teachers

31st January 2020

Additional events. We thought you would be fascinated by this piece which was quoted in the St Ignatius School, Toowong, Newsletter in October 2005 and which we would like to share with you: ‘God loves Teachers On the sixth day God created men and women. On the seventh day, God rested – not so much…

Upper V on Retreat

31st January 2020

A day at SPEC Josephine Heffernan and Dilichi Dieobi, Upper VA, were two of the participants in the Upper V Retreat Day at the SPEC Retreat Centre to mark the end of their mock GCSEs.  Here they give their account of the day: ‘On Monday 20th January, after our mock examinations, the whole of Upper…

Upper IV and ‘The God Who Speaks’

13th December 2019

Senior Assembly. Mrs Corkery, Religious Education teacher, reports on the recent Assembly delivered by Upper IV Alpha on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales theme for 2019 – 2020, ‘The God Who Speaks:  The Year of the Word.’: ‘Upper IV Alpha recently delivered a very insightful assembly to introduce the religious theme for…

Juniors and Building the Kingdom

29th November 2019

Schools meet at St Augustine’s Priory. Mrs Knowles, Deputy Head, Juniors, tells us about the recent Building the Kingdom meeting held at St Augustine’s Priory on Monday 25th November.  Sr Judith Russi, Director of EducareM, was with us and led the day.  EducareM supports Catholic education and leadership.  They provide training and support for governors,…

Nursery and Preps mark Remembrance Day

11th November 2019

A poignant service. The Nursery and Preps I, II and III held their own Remembrance service on Friday 8th November in preparation for Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day. They all gathered in our Prayer Garden and their teachers explained the significance of these days, after which the pupils said prayers and read poems.      Each…