Category: Faith Life

Upper II Alpha and the Kingdom of God

8th November 2019

A thoughtful consideration. Ms Cattigan, Form Teacher, Upper II Alpha, has been teaching her class about the Kingdom of God.  The class was asked to consider how our beliefs about the Kingdom of God impact our moral values and behaviour.  Lara Ward has written about this and we would like to share with you her…

Lower V and ‘Spirited Poetry’

11th October 2019

‘Questions, Questions’. Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E. reports on some Lower V poetry competition winners. ‘NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE) holds an annual poetry competition called ‘Spirited Poetry’.  At the end of the Summer Term Mrs McDermott set her Lower V class the task of writing poems for the competition. The categories for…

Canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman

11th October 2019

‘From shadows and images into truth’. Rome will see thousands of visitors on Sunday 13th October as this is the day that Blessed John Henry Newman will be canonised.  Along with Miss Johnson, our SENCO, Cardinal Vincent Nichols will lead a delegation of seventeen English and Welsh Bishops and the Prince of Wales will also…

National Poetry Day

4th October 2019

Words and Truth. In the same week as the launch of ‘The God Who Speaks – A Year of the Word’, the diocesan theme for the coming year, Thursday 3rd October marked National Poetry Day 2019 and, not only that, but the 25th national Poetry Day! The theme of this year’s National Poetry Day was…

The God Who Speaks

4th October 2019

A Year of the Word. Who can forget the mesmeric beginning of the fourth Gospel, the Gospel of St John: ‘In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God.’ The power of these words never fails to move and, following on from last year’s diocesan theme of ‘Adoremus…

The start of the Michaelmas Term

6th September 2019

With St Augustine of Hippo. ‘Flood the path with light, run our eyes to where the skies are full of promise; tune our hearts to brave music; give us the sense of comradeship with heroes and saints of every age; and so quicken our spirits that we may be able to encourage the souls of…

The time is NOW!

28th June 2019

Lower V take their call to Parliament. On Wednesday 26th June Lower V pupils, accompanied by Mrs McDermott took part in the mass lobby of Parliament, The Time is Now, to call for action on climate change with CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, taking their call for climate and environmental action to the heart…

Lower IV and Form III Retreat

14th June 2019

A day of reflection. Last week Form III, Lower IV, Lower V and Lower VI sat their school examinations.  This was an intense week of exams and on Friday Form III and Lower IV took stock and participated in class retreats. Lower IV’s retreat had as its theme ‘The Power of Friendship’ and Mr Dellow,…

RISE Theatre at Ealing Abbey

3rd June 2019

Rise Theatre at Ealing Abbey What makes us happy? Friday 14th June sees RISE Theatre visiting Ealing Abbey.  At 8.00pm this professional Christian theatre company will perform an evening of sketches on the theme of happiness.  What makes us happy? Who makes us happy? Where can we find happiness? Their website says, ‘RISE Theatre CIC is a…

Prayer from Pope Francis

3rd June 2019

For young people   We thought you would be interested in the following prayer which was written by Pope Francis on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment following the Synod of bishops held in October 2018 on that topic. Lord Jesus in journeying towards the Synod, your Church turns her attention to all the young…