Category: Faith Life

Upper VI Leavers

16th May 2019

An evening to remember. The school year is filled with some wonderful highlights.  One of these is certainly the Upper VI Leavers’ Mass which this year took place on 8th May.  We welcomed Fr David Reilly, whom many of you will remember celebrated our Feast Day Mass for us last term, to celebrate the Leavers’…

Priory 6 and leadership

2nd May 2019

A Blessing for one who holds power. Last Friday, 26th April, candidates for the Priory 6 leadership team spoke at a packed Assembly which was attended by all those eligible to vote in the elections, from Upper II through the Seniors and staff. Candidates, including those for the posts of Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls…

Be Spirited

28th March 2019

A time to reflect. Tuesday 26th March was a time for reflection at St Augustine’s Priory.  Nursery to Upper II enjoyed ‘Be Spirited’, a day when the Chapel and Chapter Room are filled with spiritual exercises for the girls to enjoy.  This year Be Spirited took place during Lent, a fitting time for a day…

Lower VI study Human Trafficking

15th March 2019

The life and impact of St Josephine Bakhita. Mrs Corkery, RE teacher reports that Lower VI, in their General RE lessons, are researching and writing about the issue of Human Trafficking, something which sadly is still of concern in today’s world. Here Jasmine Dawuda, Ellie Kingsmill, Aoife Pedreschi and Sofia Gentile write about the life…

Youth Evening at Ealing Abbey

1st March 2019

An evening with Georgia Clarke. The Ealing Abbey Youth Group will be hosting Georgia Clarke on Thursday 7th March at 7.30pm.  Georgia will be speaking about her journey of faith and this promises to be an extremely valuable evening for all 15 – 18 year olds.  The meeting will take place at the Coffee Shop…

Women’s World Day of Prayer

1st March 2019

Uniting across the world. Today we celebrate the Women’s World Day of Prayer, an opportunity for women throughout the world to realise the power of prayer and the fulfilment that comes from joining together in prayer.  We here attach a prayer from St Teresa of Avila, a prayer which speaks to the heart of our…

Courses and programmes at Ealing Abbey

15th February 2019

Three great opportunities. There are some exciting events coming up at Ealing Abbey, which provide some great opportunities for all ages.  First is the course, Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, running for eight sessions from Wednesday 27th February from 1.30 – 2.30pm.  This is for all ages and is a wonderful way to discover…

Loving to learn

1st February 2019

Following St Augustine. Our patron saint, St Augustine of Hippo, had this to say about education: ‘Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity, and the provocation of grace to the soul.’ St Augustine of Hippo At St Augustine’s Priory we are…

Prayer for the New Year

11th January 2019

God knows us and loves us. As we begin the Lent Term, we look forward with hope and trust to all that the year 2019 will bring.  God loves us; as it says in Jeremiah, chapter 1: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you’. …

The Christmas Carol Service

13th December 2018

We prepare for the Nativity. The St Augustine’s Priory Carol Service, held every year at Ealing Abbey, is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of Christ.  The evening of Tuesday 11th December 2018 was no exception. We began the evening with a gathering of Association members in the Parish Centre.  Past pupils, former…