Category: Faith Life

Our Nursery and Prep Nativities

7th December 2018

Advent celebrations. The beginning of the week saw the first of three magnificent St Augustine’s Priory nativities. Prep I and II joined forces to deliver the first performance called ‘The Wriggly Nativity.’ The children all wriggled through the performance as they were so excited and could not sit still. We enjoyed some brilliant songs including…

The Season of Advent

7th December 2018

The coming of the Lamb of God. As the time of preparation for the coming of Christ, Advent is one of the primary seasons of the liturgical year.  As we wait in hope and joy for Christmas, we share a poem with you by Denise Levertov, entitled ‘Agnus Dei’, the Lamb of God. Given that…

Red Wednesday

30th November 2018

Walking together in faith. On Wednesday 28th November we celebrated a whole school Mass in the temporary hall.  From the Nursery to Upper VI, together with staff and parents, we marked Red Wednesday.  This annual day is an initiative of the organisation Aid to the Church in Need and we are invited to gather together…

Form III and Mass

22nd November 2018

The centre of our life. Weekly Mass is a central part of the life of our school.  We are so fortunate to have our own Chapel and every week part of the school celebrates Mass with a different Form taking responsibility for aspects of the organisation of the Mass, for example, the readers, bidding prayers…

Nursery and Preps commemorate

9th November 2018

Liturgy in the Prayer Garden. At 11.00am on Friday 9th November the school bell rang for us all to remember the centenary of the ending of World War I and all those who had died in that and other wars.  Following the two minutes’ silence a liturgy took place in our Prayer Garden comprising people…

Juniors take the lead

19th October 2018

Lower II and Upper II training. Monday 15th October saw some exciting training for members of Lower II and Upper II.  This was their opportunity to undertake some Religious Education leadership training, a wonderful development in their faith journey.  Alice Mackay in Lower II describes day for us: ‘Five girls from Lower II and Upper…

Priory 6 and Jesus as Gamechanger

12th October 2018

Studying Jesus and His influence. After taking their GCSEs our pupils select the subjects they wish to study for A Level in Priory 6.  Although they may not wish to continue formal studies of the core subjects, the religious education of the girls does not stop after GCSE.  Priory 6 girls take general R.E. lessons…

The Beginning of a New Term

7th September 2018

A vision of happiness. At the staff Inset day on Monday 3rd September, Mrs Raffray, Headteacher welcomed us all back for a new term with words that explain our rationale for being here.  She said that St Augustine of Hippo, our patron saint, talked about how, ‘people learn well when they’re happy – we are…

‘Everyone deserves a home’

13th July 2018

One pupil’s perspective on ‘Share the Journey’. A significant walk was planned to take place today, Friday 13th July, in Central London.  The Education Team of the Westminster Diocese organised a fitting finale to CAFOD’s ‘Share the Journey’ campaign  through a walk commencing at 11.00am from Westminster Cathedral and ending at CAFOD’s headquarters next to…

Sharing the Journey

26th June 2018

CAFOD campaign. ‘Share the Journey’, CAFOD’s campaign of awareness raising of the plight of refugees saw Augustinians of all ages – from Nursery to Priory 6 to staff and parents walking around the school grounds last week.  Throughout the week, from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd June each class gathered in our Chapel and then…