Category: Faith Life

The Miraculum Children’s Choir

22nd June 2018

Inspirational visitors. This week has seen some extraordinary visitors come to St Augustine’s Priory.  We welcomed the Miraculum Children’s Choir from the Kodály School in Kecskemét, Hungary.  Led by László Durányik, this world-famous choir has won accolades and awards for over twenty years and we were delighted to welcome them to Ealing as first stop…

Share the Journey

15th June 2018

Walking in solidarity. Every year thousands of people around the world flee their home countries in a bid to reach safety.  They risk separation from loved ones, great danger and sometimes death. Next week we will be finding out about and sharing some of these journeys.  Through CAFOD’s ‘Share the Journey’ campaign we will be…

Gaudete et Exsultate

14th June 2018

Don’t be mediocre! “How little people know who think that holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing, it is irresistible” C. S. Lewis April saw the publication of the latest Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, ‘Gaudete et Exsultate’ – Rejoice and be glad, on the call for us all to be holy in…

Women’s Wellness Week

8th June 2018

A week to celebrate. A week brimming with conversations, dialogue and discussion will envelop St Augustine’s Priory next week as we will be celebrating Women’s Wellness Week.  Talks and workshops will be taking place throughout the week – as you will have seen in last week’s Newsletter. Everyone will be encouraged to participate, starting with…

First Holy Communion Celebration

7th June 2018

Lower I commemorate a special occasion. Every year at St Augustine’s Priory we celebrate our First Holy Communicants.  Over the previous weeks girls in Lower I have received their First Holy Communion in their parishes and we mark this important event in the girls’ lives with a special Mass.  Prep III to Upper II, families,…

Priory 6 and Women’s Wellness Week

25th May 2018

Plans for the week of 11th – 15th June. In school assemblies on Friday, 25th May, Priory 6 introduced us to the plans for Women’s Wellness Week, running from 11th – 15th June. This will be a packed week of events and talks at St Augustine’s Priory, encompassing many issues which impact on women’s lives. …

Nursery and Preps celebrate Pentecost

24th May 2018

Prayer Garden prayers. It is never too early to celebrate and this week our youngest pupils proved this with their marking of the Feast of Pentecost, which took place last Sunday. Our Prayer Garden proved the ideal venue when all our Nursery and Prep I, II and III pupils gathered there to celebrate Pentecost, the…

St Augustine of Hippo

19th April 2018

Hope for today. Our patron saint, St Augustine of Hippo, the fourth century theologian and philosopher, was the bishop of Hippo in north Africa (and not to be confused with St Augustine of Canterbury).  The following quote can inspire and challenge us to be mindful and work for justice, and peace, in the world today.

Holy Week

29th March 2018

Faith Life at St Augustine’s Priory. Our Holy Week at St Augustine’s Priory started with a joyous Palm Sunday procession on Tuesday with children from the Nursery to Preps waving their handmade Palm Leaves and greeting Jesus as he made his way into Jerusalem on a donkey. Starting with a prayer service the children processed…

Mass at St Augustine’s Priory

21st March 2018

A weekly privilege. We are fortunate to be able to hold our weekly Mass in our Chapel every week.  Each Form takes it in turns to organise the Mass by choosing the hymns, reading, serving at the altar, playing Music, taking up the Offertory gifts and, of course, composing and reading their own Prayers of…