Category: Faith Life

First Holy Communion Mass

24th June 2022

A celebration. Our First Holy Communion Mass took place on Wednesday 22nd June, beautifully celebrated by Fr Thomas on a lovely summer’s day. The First Holy Communicants had prepared the Mass extremely well and the family members and staff who attended were delighted to be a part of this wonderful morning.  The Faith Friends also…

ISRSA Competition

21st June 2022

Lower IV entries. Lower IV Alpha pupils, Homare and Hijiri, were two of the entries to this year’s Theology, Philosophy and Religious Essay Competition 2022 organised by the Independent Schools Religious Studies Association.  Head of Religious Education, Mrs Corkery, commented, ‘Homare and Hijiri showed great independence, research skills and critical thinking in their composition of…

Liturgy of the Word

9th June 2022

Seniors celebrate in the Chapel. On the morning of Wednesday 8th June, Form III to Upper IV held a Liturgy of the Word in the Chapel.  Form IIIA had prepared this beautiful liturgy and it was a time to gather together and listen to the Word of God.  Form III pupils read and delivered the…

The Feast of the Ascension

26th May 2022

Whole School Mass. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of Half Term – a whole school Mass in the Meadow to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, which commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven. Prep I to Priory Sixth gathered this morning to hear Fr Thomas celebrate Mass, joined by Governors…

Lower V and the Chapel

23rd May 2022

A privileged time. We are privileged at St Augustine’s Priory to have our own Chapel where we regularly celebrate Mass and hold retreats.  It is definitely the centre of life in our school.  On the morning of 23rd May, Lower V took part in another sacred event when they gathered in the Chapel where, Mrs…

Upper VI poetry

23rd May 2022

Core R.E. creative writing. Before Upper VI departed for study leave and A Levels, teacher of R.E., Mrs Flannelly, set them the task of finding an image of their choice – on the Earth or in space.  The pupils were then asked to write a short piece of creative writing to accompany the image, with…

Lower II Retreat

20th May 2022

A day of joy. Lower II’s Retreat on Tuesday 17th May was around the theme of ‘The Great Mandatum’.  They gathered in the Chapel to think about their relationship with God and how we can all be closer to Him.  The day was based around Jesus’ commandment to love God and love one another as…

Lower IV examine conscience

18th May 2022

The story of Irena Sendler. Head of Religious Education, Mrs Corkery, reports on the latest work from Lower IV.  ‘Lower IV have been busy recently exploring the topic of conscience.  Having learned about the life of St Oscar Romero, and how he became the conscience of many people in El Salvador, Lower IV independently investigated…

Form III and the search for Jesus

9th May 2022

To Whom It May Concern. In this Easter season, Mrs McDermott posed the following question to Form III in their Religious Education lessons:  ‘Write an explanation of your views and conclusions about Jesus’ missing body’.  This was to take the form of an official report and Aneet decided to write a police report, outlining her…

Upper V Thanksgiving Liturgy

6th May 2022

Journeying and Thanksgiving. The Upper V Thanksgiving Liturgy took place today, Friday 6th May, an event which saw Upper V pupils bid farewell for the summer as they embark on their study leave prior to their GCSEs before embarking on their A Levels in September.  This is the first year group for two years, owing…