Category: Faith Life

Red Wednesday

24th November 2017

Standing in solidarity with those persecuted for their faith Aid to the Church in Need supports Catholics and other Christians where they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. This year, they joined forces with Christian Solidarity Worldwide, who similarly work for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights. Mrs McDermott, Head of RE, and Leah…

Vision of Hope

21st November 2017

A visit to the House of Lords The website of the National Schools Poetry Competition (NSPC4PEACE) says that the competition ‘is designed to unlock the potential of young people and to encourage them to express their emotions through writing poetry about peace.’ As it is supported by the Three Faiths Forum (3ff), Mrs McDermott, Head…

All different, all equal

16th November 2017

Anti-bullying week: a Whole School mission We were pleased to support Anti-bullying week this year with a range of activites throughout the school. “As a school that promotes Gospel values of truth, justice, compassion and reconciliation, we aim to help both the victims and perpetrators of bullying”, commented Mrs Cotton. Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated by…

Quel Jour Magnifique!

16th November 2017

Visitors from Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Wednesday 15th November was a red-letter day in the annals of St Augustine’s Priory.  We were delighted to welcome two visitors from a Parisian school, Sainte-Marie de Neuilly: Véronique Philouze, Directrice Collège-Lycée, and Sabine Chauvet, Responsable de division 5ème. But Sainte-Marie de Neuilly is no ordinary school.  You may remember…

Nursery and Preps mark anniversaries

15th November 2017

Remembrance Last weekend saw two days of note, Armistice Day on Saturday 11th November, marking the anniversary of the end of the First World War, followed by Remembrance Day on Sunday 12th November when services and ceremonies were held throughout the U.K. to remember and pray for those who fell in the two world wars…

Nursery visit to the Chapel

9th November 2017

Learning for life at St Augustine’s Priory The Chapel is at the centre of life at St Augustine’s Priory and learning about the Chapel starts early!  Mrs Morris reports that this week the Nursery children visited the Chapel to learn about Holy Water and Baptism for their Religious Education Topic.  The children learnt how to make…

November: a month of Remembrance

9th November 2017

All Saints and All Souls November is the month of the Holy Souls, a time to remember and to pray for all those who have gone before us.  A necrologue, a book to write the names of those we wish to be prayed for, is placed in churches throughout the world, including in our own…

Prep II and Prep III learn about Diwali

19th October 2017

The Hindu Festival of Lights Prep II Form Teacher, Mrs Costello, tells us about how Prep II and Prep III learnt about the Hindu festival, Diwali, which takes place this week and celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair. ‘This week Preps II and III…

Nursery and Preps: Working Together

3rd October 2017

The Eco Mural Displayed Pope Francis’ encyclical of 2015, “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord” asks us to care for the Earth, our common home.  The Juniors responded to the Pope’s call and put together letters with their responses to his encyclical and sent them to Pope Francis. Now the…

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

2nd October 2017

It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way. We welcomed CAFOD Schools Speaker, Jo Hodgson, on the morning of Monday 6th October to teach the whole school about CAFOD’s work and Harvest Fast Day this coming Friday. Ms Hodgson showed us a video documenting the day-to-day life of Sister…