Category: Faith Life

International Day of Peace

22nd September 2017

During Monday’s assembly, Mrs Macallister talked to the girls about the history of the Nobel Peace Prize and, in the lead up to Peace Day on Thursday 21st September, asked them to think about their awareness of those living in conflict, about being thankful, and about being active in promoting peace in their own lives….

Lower VI reflects

15th September 2017

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, reports that, in their General RE lesson this week, Lower VI reflected on the life and legacy of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, former Archbishop of Westminster, whose funeral was held earlier this week. Here, Heather Woodman, Lower VI, gives us her reflections: ‘Cardinal Cormac’s funeral Mass was…

A new academic year at St Augustine’s Priory

4th September 2017

Prayer for the Beginning of Term As we begin the new academic year, we will be meeting old friends and making new ones and, for our pupils, there is the added excitement of going up a year with all the challenges and joys that that brings. We thought we would share with you this prayer…

Celebrating Life

14th July 2017

Praying for Peace This year has seen some wonderful events at St Augustine’s Priory – the Arts Evening, the celebration Masses for our First Holy Communicants and Confirmation candidates, the Be Spirited Day, the skiing visit to Italy, the English Summer Garden Party, the school production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, the Sports Awards, the…

‘A Stitch in Time’ at our Arts Festival

11th July 2017

A community embroidery project During our Arts Festival, on Wednesday 28th June, a wonderful display and demonstration of the creativity achieved throughout the year by our students, one of the displays was of our ‘A Stitch in Time’ project, started in 2015.  We now have some examples of finished kneelers on display, and at the…

Upper II Moving Up Mass

7th July 2017

As we draw closer to the end of term, we celebrate all the girls who are moving up in the school.  This is a particularly important transition for Upper II, who will join the Senior school in September this year.  As the girls are well prepared to begin life in the Senior school, the transition…

St Augustine’s Priory Multi-Faith Eid Breakfast

28th June 2017

‘It is the duty of everyone to defend religious freedom and promote it for all people’, Pope Francis. It is an important part of the mission of Catholic schools to engage in dialogue and work together with people of other faiths in our school and local community. After recent events we, as a faith community,…

‘Be Spirited Day’

28th June 2017

Nursery – Form III explore prayer We are fortunate in that with our Chapel we always have somewhere to spend time in the presence of God, to pray and to enjoy the quiet and peace that being in the Chapel affords us all. As all the children from the Nursery to Form III discovered on…

The Sacrament of Confirmation

16th June 2017

A joyous celebration ‘Alleluia, alleluia! Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Alleluia!’ This was the Gospel Acclamation from our Senior School Mass on Wednesday 14th June.  This is a particularly apt passage as we celebrated on that day the recent Confirmation of several…

Our response to events

16th June 2017

Grenfell Tower We are all aware of the horrific events in the early hours of Wednesday 14th June when Grenfell Tower, the tower block of flats in North Kensington, was destroyed by fire.  Our thoughts and prayers are, of course, with all those who have been affected by this terrible, terrible tragedy. Our response is…