Category: Faith Life

Easter message from Pope Francis

20th April 2017

 Urbi et Orbi – Easter 2017 The Holy Father’s Easter message to the city and to the world, ‘Urbi et Orbi’ spoke of the joy of the Resurrection of Christ and how, by turning to God in prayer, we can ask for an end to the injustice and suffering prevalent in the world and help…

The Stations of the Cross

31st March 2017

Marking the end of term Today, the last day of the Lent Term, we marked the season of Lent with two liturgies, one for Seniors and one for Juniors, comprising the Stations of the Cross. We thought that we would share the resource used for these liturgies with you; the CAFOD Stations of the Cross….

Headteacher’s Blog

1st March 2017

“Comparison is the Thief of Joy”: Why Careers Education is about Knowing Your Soul. Every now and then there come moments of real satisfaction as a Head. Week in, week out I give assemblies and recently British and global events have given richly in the way of opportunities for comments on the rule of law,…

Our Christmas Carol Service

16th December 2016

Looking to the stars Our traditional Carol Service at Ealing Abbey on Tuesday 13th December was a wonderful occasion.  To a backdrop of stars, our pupils from Lower I to Upper VI joined in music and readings with parents, staff and past pupils to celebrate Advent and look forward to the birth of the Christ…

Hanwell Homeless Concern

15th December 2016

Priory Purpose Thank you to Amy-Elizabeth Roye of Upper VI, who wrote the following to parents last week on behalf of Priory Purpose, the charity movement set up by the Sixth Form. “Every year St Augustine’s Priory helps to support a local charity, ‘Hanwell Homeless Concern’.  Miss Sylvia Clayton, a former St Augustine’s Priory teacher,…

Holy Family Parish Christmas Carol Concert

13th December 2016

A Christmas community On Sunday 11th December a choir led by Mrs Cotton and Miss Johnson from St Augustine’s Priory was delighted to perform at the Holy Family Church’s Carol Concert together with the Iraqi Choir from the parish and the choir from the Holy Family Catholic Primary School.  Fr Neil, Parish Priest at the…

Prep III visit the National Gallery

9th December 2016

Studying the Nativity Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher, Prep III, reports on the recent artistic discoveries of Prep III at the National Gallery… ‘On Thursday 1st December Prep III visited the National Gallery to learn more about the Nativity Paintings they had been studying  as part of their R.E. topic this term.  Our guide, Jocelyn, was…


8th December 2016

‘The Coming’ We hope that you will enjoy the following poem, ‘The Coming’, which brings home to us the deliberate decision of the Son of God to come down to earth for us.

The Nursery Nativity

8th December 2016

The birth of Jesus retold The Nursery Nativity, ‘Our First Nativity’, on Wednesday 7th December was a classic re-telling of the birth of Jesus.  Mary and Joseph, the donkey, shepherds, the three Kings, the innkeeper and the angels all played their part in this production, performed in front of a Nursery full of parents and…

Prep I and Prep II’s Nativity

8th December 2016

‘Baboushka’ takes centre stage Prep I and Prep II joined forces on Tuesday 6th December for their Christmas Nativity, ‘Baboushka’, heralding the start of our Advent festivities.  The Chapel was filled with parents and friends ready to enjoy this first of our Nativity plays. ‘Baboushka’ is a wonderful play about a Russian woman, the Baboushka…