Category: Faith Life

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

11th October 2016

‘Lord of the harvest, we praise you for this season of plenty.  We rejoice that you created everything for all of us to share.’  (CAFOD 2016) CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, standing alongside poor communities and working with them to end poverty and injustice across the…

Prayer and Worship

6th October 2016

Lower IVA’s preparation Every week, one of the Forms takes it in turns to prepare the weekly Mass at St Augustine’s Priory. On Wednesday 5th October, Fr Thomas came to St Augustine’s Priory to celebrate Mass for us and it was the turn of Lower IVA to prepare the Mass which was attended by Form…

Unstereotypical Artist

30th September 2016

Opening up our view of the world Being labelled is something that may well happen to each of us at some time of our lives. Whether because of our appearance, our mannerisms, our accent, we all risk being identified as a stereotype and identifying others in the same way.  The work of Upper VI artist,…

Prep III supports The Little Princess Trust

29th September 2016

Working to help others At St Augustine’s Priory we take the responsibility to others seriously. This was evident in the Prep Assembly on Wednesday 27th September which celebrated the work of the Little Princess Trust and one of its supporters, Christina Miller in Prep III, who has had her hair cut in support of this…

Peace and Language

28th September 2016

A Prayer for Peace Lower IV A concluded their assembly this Monday, 26th September, with an extract from David Tonghou Ngong’s ‘A Prayer for Peace’.  The extract, which appears below, calls to mind last week’s International Day of Peace and the longing for the establishment of peace in areas of conflict around the world.  Monday…

The International Day of Peace

22nd September 2016

“The chance to wake up without a fear of violence” On Wednesday 21st September 2016 St Augustine’s Priory marked the International Day of Peace. Established in 1981 by the United Nations, the International Day of Peace is observed annually on 21st September.  Every year the United Nations calls on warring parties to lay down their…

God’s Gifts

22nd September 2016

Lower IIA’s work in R.E. Mrs Round, Form Teacher, Lower IIA, reports that Lower II has been studying God’s Gifts.   This covers a wide spectrum, whether it be our health, family, friends or, as Coroico Bottomley, Lower IIA, has explored in her poem below, thanking God for the wonders of creation. Mrs Round comments, ‘This…

A welcome guest…

14th September 2016

A welcome guest… Groucho the rabbit makes an appearance A special visitor arrived at St Augustine’s Priory on Tuesday 13th September.  Groucho the rabbit, who has been to St Augustine’s Priory over several years is owned by Lucy Bennet, past pupil and daughter of Mrs Bennet, Head of Maths. This year Groucho, accompanied by Lucy,…

Memory in Action

12th September 2016

A Stitch in Time ‘Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.’ (Elie Wiesel) At St Augustine’s Priory the theme for this year is Memory and, as the Headteacher, Mrs Raffray, wrote in her last letter, ‘We will be planning rich cross-curricular links, competitions as well…

What Will This Year Bring?

8th September 2016

A Prayer for the New School Year A new academic school year is always exciting. Perhaps starting a new school, moving up a year, reuniting with old friends and making new ones, it all adds to the experience of new beginnings, of a fresh start, a blank page on which to write. The following prayer…