Category: Faith Life

Upper II’s Retreat

8th July 2016

Upper II celebrate the end of Juniors Mrs Farmer, Form Teacher Upper II Alpha reports on the joyous end of year retreat for Upper II. ‘On Friday 1st July, Upper II spent time together during the morning to reflect on their time in the Junior School at their retreat.  The theme was ‘Wisdom’ and it was based on the…

Year of Mercy Pilgrimage

8th July 2016

Catholic Primary Schools join together On Tuesday 5th July St Augustine’s Priory was privileged to be the last stage in the Ealing Deanery Catholic Primary Schools’ Pilgrimage to mark the Year of Mercy.  Over the last few weeks, primary schools from all over the deanery had marked the Year of Mercy with a pilgrimage, journeying…

Form III and the Good Samaritan Mass

6th July 2016

Westminster Cathedral On Tuesday 21st June the Good Samaritan Mass was held at Westminster Cathedral, celebrating the work of schools for the Crisis Fund of the Catholic Children’s Society, Westminster.  Dilichi Dieobi, Form III Alpha, was privileged to read at the Mass and said, ‘I was lucky enough to read a bidding prayer at the…

Ealing in Bloom

4th July 2016

Lower II and Upper II guides to the grounds On Tuesday 28th June we welcomed the judges from the Ealing in Bloom competition who had come to judge our grounds for this year’s competition.  The categories under which our grounds were judged were maintenance, plants, features and children’s involvement. To show them round the grounds…

Prep II and Laudato Si’

1st July 2016

Correspondence with Pope Francis Last year Pope Francis wrote to the world with his encyclical “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”, urging us to care for our home, the planet Earth, and all that it contained. After we celebrated Laudato Si’ week last week with several initiatives designed to help…

Laudato Si’ Week

24th June 2016

Following the Pope’s call It is one year since the publication of the papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’:  On Care for our Common Home’, a call for us all to care for our planet. In the spirit of this encyclical we have been marking the anniversary at St Augustine’s Priory with ‘Laudato Si’ week.  We have…

Upper IV host Unity Girls High School

17th June 2016

Three Faiths Forum Link Day Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies at St Augustine’s Priory, reports on the recent Three Faiths Forum Link Day held at St Augustine’s Priory. ‘We have been involved in the work of the Three Faiths Forum since November 2010. This is an organisation that promotes inter-faith dialogue and education. On…

Lower IV Retreat

17th June 2016

The Power of Friendship Here is an account of the Lower IV Retreat which was a welcome day after a week of assessments! ‘After a week of assessments, on Thursday 9th June Lower IV was off timetable to enjoy a retreat day here at school arranged and led by the R.E. department. The theme was…

Mrs McTaggart writes

17th June 2016

A Letter to all our community The following is a letter received from Mrs McTaggart Head of Art for all members of our community which we share with you now. ‘Dear staff, students and parents of St Augustine’s It is with great sadness that I have made the decision to leave St Augustine’s. I have…

Upper VI: Preparing for the future

10th June 2016

Leavers’ Mass and Reception Just before half term, on Thursday 26th May, our annual Upper VI Leavers’ Mass and Reception took place with Fr Thomas from Ealing Abbey joining us to celebrate this annual event.  The Chapel was crowded with Upper VI students, their families and staff and the Mass proved to be a joyous…