Category: Faith Life


9th June 2016

St Augustine’s Priory receives top rating in Diocesan Inspection Report Rated ‘Outstanding’ in all areas, we were delighted to receive the report from our recent Westminster Diocese Inspection this week. The Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Raffray, commented, ‘We are delighted that the school has received a ringing endorsement of all that we know is true about…

Meeting Members of Staff…

3rd June 2016

Miss F Verne, Teacher of Chemistry Miss Frances Verne, who joins us in September as a teacher of Chemistry writes to tell us of her background in both theology and science: ‘I grew up in Ealing and am looking forward to returning home to teach at St Augustine’s Priory.  I have a BSc in Chemistry…

First Holy Communion Mass

27th May 2016

Lower I celebrate One of the highlights of every year at St Augustine’s Priory is the celebration of the First Holy Communion Mass.  After receiving their First Holy Communion in their parishes, the girls in Lower I join together to receive communion at a commemorative Mass near to the feast of Corpus Christi.  Their classmates…

The Nursery and Prep III celebrate Pentecost

26th May 2016

Balloons in the Prayer Garden Sunday 15th May was Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.  Miss Slight, Nursery Form Teacher, here tells us how the Nursery and Prep III marked the occasion. ‘Last week the Nursery and Prep III visited the Prayer Garden to celebrate Pentecost together….

Religious Studies in the Sixth Form

20th May 2016

Peace in the world Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, here writes about what the Sixth Form have been studying in their general Religious Education lessons. ‘Over the last few months in General R.E., the Sixth Form have been investigating the work of Pax Christi. Some of the students shared their reflections during their last…

The Quality of Mercy

19th May 2016

‘It is twice blest’   In this the Year of Mercy, we thought we would share one of the most famous passages in literature about this quality which has been displayed in the school.  Not from the Bible, but from Shakespeare’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’. As the Spring turns into Summer and we look forward…

Musical News

19th May 2016

A tuneful cornucopia Our Director of Music, Mr Martin, reports on the latest musical activities at St Augustine’s Priory: ‘The last two weeks have seen some fantastic performances from girls in the Junior and Senior Schools. There was a splendid lunchtime concert organised by Miss Aspinall for her harp pupils. All the girls who took…

The Cry of the Earth

17th May 2016

A Prayer from CAFOD  In the spirit of Pope Francis’ encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, ‘On Care for our Common Home’ and Walking to School Week at St Augustine’s Priory we produce the following prayer, composed by Fr Michael Fitzsimons for CAFOD. This prayer has been put up in the school and is a useful reminder of…

Upper V’s Thanksgiving Liturgy

13th May 2016

Prayers and Praise After all their hard work over the last two years of the GCSE courses Upper V are about to start their public examinations.  To celebrate this moment and to give thanks for all they have in their lives the students prepared a Thanksgiving Liturgy on Friday 6th May to which staff and…

Laudato si’, mi’ Signore: ‘Praise be to you, my Lord’

12th May 2016

On Care for our Common Home As we near the end of the Easter Season in this Year of Mercy, St Augustine’s Priory has been inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical ‘Laudato Si’’, published in June last year which urges us all to care for our planet and all that it contains. At St Augustine’s Priory…