Category: Faith Life

Feast of Ss Peter and Paul

1st July 2021

A Mass for the whole school. Tuesday 29th June was the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul, and a Holyday of Obligation.  We were delighted that Fr Alexander from Ealing Abbey came to celebrate Mass for us.  Lower II gathered in the Chapel and Lower IIA had done a wonderful job of preparing the readings…

Juniors celebrate St Joseph

18th June 2021

Lower II Alpha lead Mass. This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday 20th June.  Pope Francis also proclaimed this year to be the Year of St Joseph.  In honour of St Joseph, Lower II Alpha organised their Mass on 16th June, and filled it with tributes to St Joseph and to fathers. The Mass, celebrated…

Headteacher’s Blog

11th June 2021

On This Rock. Ribblehead Viaduct two years ago and before COVID had entered anyone’s consciousness.  It is a bright sunny day with sun bouncing off the green hills. This is a place steeped in history, echoing with the past, redolent of the voices and clamour of the navvies who dug through the hills to lay railway…

Lower IV examine Conscience

10th June 2021

Our still, small voice. ‘A clear conscience’, ‘examine your conscience’, ‘a guilty conscience’, ‘prisoner of conscience’, ‘what does your conscience tell you to do?’  We are all familiar with these phrases, our language is full of them.  Lower IV have been examining the issue and here are two articles which reflect their work. Ms Corkery…

Confirmation Mass 2021

27th May 2021

Upper IV and Lower V celebrate. Mass was live streamed to the families of girls in Upper IV and Lower V this week who are celebrating making their Confirmation this year or who had received the sacrament last year.  Other participants in this week’s Mass were the Liturgy Prefects from Form III to Lower V,…

Lower IV’s crosses

20th May 2021

Learning from St Oscar Romero. St Oscar Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador and was murdered in 1980.  He spoke for the poor and oppressed and was a man of conscience and faith.  Canonised by Pope Francis in 2018, here Mrs McDermott, Head of Faith Life tells us about the work Lower IV have been…

Prep II learn about Eid

13th May 2021

Sharing gifts. Mrs Costello, Form Teacher, Prep II, tells us how Prep II have been learning about Eid this week. ‘We were pleased to welcome two of the parents to Prep II this week (via Google Meet) who gave us a presentation and talked to the class about Eid, the religious holiday which marks the…

Captain Tom 100 challenge

6th May 2021

Raising funds for the Cardinal Hume Centre. Mrs McDermott, Head of Faith Life, tells us of some of the amazing things that were achieved last weekend when we took on the Captain Tom 100 challenge: ‘Over the course of the Bank Holiday weekend, many people throughout the UK took part in the Captain Tom 100…

First Holy Communion Mass

6th May 2021

A time to celebrate. This past year has been a time of waiting.  Never more so than in Lower I and Upper I.  Lower I is the year when our First Holy Communicants celebrate the receiving of that Sacrament in their parishes, which is always followed by a celebratory Mass here at St Augustine’s Priory. …

Senior poets go global!

30th April 2021

WWF Guianas and the love of the Earth. Following on from the wonderful work that took place here last week to mark Earth Day, we are delighted to share with you the news that poetry composed by our Seniors has been published on the WWF Guianas website. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is…