Category: Headteacher’s Blog

A Watching Brief

8th November 2019

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the Alzheimer’s Society, all prompted by a 1979 radio broadcast by Professor Davison on his research into Alzheimer’s disease.  A former carer, Cora Phillips, contacted him to set up a charity and Professor Davison put Cora in touch with Professor Gordon Wilcock who had contacted him about the…

Lambs in the City

3rd May 2019

This is a shaggy dog story. It is Easter, which is possibly one of the loveliest times of the year. The days are lengthening, Spring flowers surprise you, birds sing again, wild garlic proliferates and every year I plan to use those delicious leaves for some kind of foraging recipe. Easter is also when I…

Light in the Darkness

14th January 2019

Sometimes it takes time away to understand the implications of the lives we lead. When faced with the sheer bliss of another place, another reality, the impact of the West’s rampant consumerism on the environment and on our lives can be realised and reflected on, a different perspective seen. This Christmas I was fortunate enough…

Are you a Gamechanging Parent?

8th June 2018

Are you helping your child to enjoy the snakes and ladders of outrageous fortune? We all have the potential to be gamechangers.  In this article by Headteacher, Mrs Raffray, first featured recently in ‘Primary Times’, a way in which all parents can be gamechangers in the lives and education of their children is examined.  And…

Women’s Health Week at St Augustine’s Priory

10th May 2018

Women’s Wellness Week – What aren’t we talking about? It is spring.  Yes, finally, green buds are appearing and whatever we have all made of this unusually bitter winter it appears to be ending.  At this time of year some people’s thoughts turn to their gardens, or interior decorating – but for me it is…

Learning is not a Pathology

23rd February 2018

Did you know that “whatevs” has entered the English dictionary?  You probably knew that “mankini” is used frequently enough to have become a “real” word but did you know that words, which have evolved from texting, have formally been acknowledged?  Do you use “Truthiness (n): the quality of seeming or being felt to be true,…

Headteacher’s Blog

1st March 2017

“Comparison is the Thief of Joy”: Why Careers Education is about Knowing Your Soul. Every now and then there come moments of real satisfaction as a Head. Week in, week out I give assemblies and recently British and global events have given richly in the way of opportunities for comments on the rule of law,…

Might counting our blessings be the path to health and wellbeing?

1st December 2016

I have finally acknowledged that I am no longer a young teacher. Various moments have prompted this epiphany and it was sealed recently as I reflected upon schools’ responses to the new curriculum. I realised that I am one of just a few people in the staff room who remembers teaching A Levels before Curriculum…

Headteacher’s Blog: being

12th July 2016

Do you wish to be great? Then start by being. St Augustine of Hippo. Is anyone reading this? Will you get to the end? Why are you here? Where is here? Education has always sought to be life changing whether conceived as an idealistic activity or one with the practical purpose of preparing us for…

Headteacher’s Blog: are you beautiful?

16th May 2016

Girls’ Schools are best placed to provide a new aesthetic. “Britain’s children are “deeply unhappy” and have to deal with fears and worries that did not exist 30 years ago, a charity has warned.” The Guardian 7 January 2016 Here at St Augustine’s Priory we held our Feast Day on the Friday before half term…