Category: Junior

Black History Month

4th November 2021

October events. Black History Month was celebrated by a multitude of activities at St Augustine’s Priory.  Among other events, Priory Sixth created a quiz for form prefects to use to raise awareness and increase knowledge, Upper V presented their Assembly on contemporary and historical figures and Lower V watched a talk by Dr Nira Chamberlain…

Junior Cake Decorating

4th November 2021

A cornucopia of cupcakes. Lower II and Upper II are enjoying their Cake Decorating Club and just before Half Term made some delicious treats.  Mrs Ross reports: ‘Upper II and Lower II girls thoroughly enjoy their Cake Decorating Club.  They practise during their sessions with play dough and then choose an animal to make out…

Priory Pyrotechnics

4th November 2021

A great end to the first half of term. The end of the first half of the Michaelmas Term was marked by a stupendous evening of Priory Pyrotechnics, the latest event from the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee.  The grounds were filled with pupils, their families and staff and everyone enjoyed the celebrations.  The fireworks…

Form III and Religious Studies

14th October 2021

The Holy Trinity. Mr Ferguson, Religious Studies teacher, has recently been leading Form III in their work on the Holy Trinity.  One of the pieces of work he was impressed by was Eloise’s and we would like to share it with you, ‘Catholics believe in a triune God.  This means that God’s essence is within…

Tag Rugby

14th October 2021

A sporting achievement. Ms Lindsay, P.E. Department, has recently taken part in some national championships, and her team emerged winners! Ms Lindsay writes, ‘Last weekend saw the UK Tag Rugby Nationals 2021.  This event saw a record 32 teams from the 10 different Try Tag Rugby regions around the UK come together to battle it out…

National Poetry Day

8th October 2021

Celebrating throughout the school. Mr Elder speaks of how St Augustine’s Priory marked National Poetry Day on Thursday 7th October. ‘National Poetry Day was marked by the whole school.  In the Seniors pupils visited a world map and placed on it information on a poet, or a poem or poetic extract which they had researched. …

Juniors welcome visitors

8th October 2021

Hi-5 Netball Tournament. Mrs Gosling, Head of PE, reports on the Hi-5 Netball Tournament held on Tuesday 5th October at St Augustine’s Priory. ‘The sun was shining on the Astroturf, ready to welcome many schools from the local community to the St Augustine’s Priory Hi-5 Tournament. Oh, how we have missed these occasions full of…

Author inspires young minds

7th October 2021

Upper II and Form III meet author Catherine Bruton. On Monday 27th September Upper II and Form III spent the morning with Ms Catherine Bruton, author of ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’, the story of an 11-year-old refugee girl from Syria who comes to Britain, seeking asylum.  Ms Bruton spoke about the inspiration behind the…

Visit of Bishop John Sherrington

1st October 2021

Day of the Archangels. We were delighted to welcome Rt Rev Bishop John Sherrington, auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Westminster, to St Augustine’s Priory on Thursday 30th September. He celebrated Mass for us in the Chapel at St Augustine’s Priory where representatives of Juniors and Seniors were present, with Liturgy Prefects from throughout the…

Upper II Liturgy Monitors

28th September 2021

Leading Assembly. Our Upper II Liturgy Monitors led the Junior Assembly on Monday 27th September.  Mrs Round reports, ‘The newly appointed Junior Liturgy Monitors led the Junior Gospel Assembly on Monday and in so doing reminded girls about how to plan a pupil led Collective Worship in their own classrooms. We are very proud of…