Category: Junior

Lower IIA Scientists

23rd April 2021

Gravity:  a force of nature This week Mrs Round led Lower IIA in a scientific exploration.  The issue at hand was gravity and they spent time investigating the force of gravity and its effect – on us all! Gravity affects everything and everybody.  On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects and the Moon’s gravity…

Upper IIA Mass

22nd April 2021

Looking forward to Earth Day 2021.  Upper II prepared a beautiful Mass on Wednesday 21st April, which was celebrated by Fr Thomas.   Girls had practised the readings well and written some lovely bidding prayers.  The first reading was from the Book of Acts recounting the early days of the Church and the Gospel was all…

Exercising minds and stretching muscles

22nd April 2021

Military Activities.  From Lower II through to Priory 6, and even staff, Monday and Tuesday were days of military activities at St Augustine’s Priory when M A D Education (Military Activity Days in Schools) arrived to put us all through our paces.  A range of exciting activities took place in the school grounds, including an…

Lower I and Upper I learn outdoors

22nd April 2021

A living environment for learning.  Lower I and Upper I used Earth Day on 22nd April to take time to enjoy the learning environment of the grounds at St Augustine’s Priory.  Whether in the playground or in the wider grounds, there is so much on offer for the benefit of children.   Climbing trees, running…

Prep III, Upper II and Junior Assembly

22nd April 2021

Restoring the Earth.  Prep III were present in the Chapel for the Earth Day Junior Assembly on 22nd April, joined virtually by all other Junior classes.  Ms Keane led the Assembly, which focussed on what we can learn and contribute to the well-being of the planet earth. What can we do to help the Earth? …

Lower II Alpha appreciate the grounds

22nd April 2021

Earth Day enjoyed.  Miss Cooke reports on Lower II Alpha’s activities this Earth Day: ‘Lower II Alpha appreciated nature at it’s finest this morning on our walk around the school grounds.   We discussed ways in which humans have negatively impacted our natural environment and how we can act to bring about change; for example…

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

16th April 2021

Presentation to classes.  Friday 16th April was certainly a wonderful day for Juniors as a special virtual Assembly was held at which new books were presented to each class for their library.  Ms Keane, Deputy Head Academic (Juniors) reported that, ‘Our Library budget this year has been allocated to ensure that our books portray characters…

Lower IIA Collective Worship

16th April 2021

In the Prayer Garden.  As we have enjoyed the sunshine this week, Mrs Round reports on the reflective time that Lower IIA enjoyed in the Prayer Garden, an ideal location for group prayer and worship.   ‘Gabby and Lucia lead a peaceful collective worship in the Prayer Garden. They read some scripture from the prophet…

Heads Up…

15th April 2021

‘Building Back Better’. ‘Heads Up’ is the podcast of Mr Matthew Burke, Headteacher of St Edward’s School in Cheltenham.  In episode 11 of this podcast, Mr Burke talks with Mrs Raffray ‘about what schools should be doing to “build back better” as we come out of the pandemic and look towards the future.’  Among subjects…

New growth

15th April 2021

Priory Farm. As Spring takes hold, the grounds at St Augustine’s Priory are seeing new growth, both in the flora and the fauna!  The allotment is showing signs of growth, and our new lambs have started to arrive.  The Farm Managers are pursuing their duties vigorously and are daily to be seen tending to the…