Category: Junior

Taking the COVID lateral flow test in school

5th March 2021

A pupil’s guide. We are all looking forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Monday 8th March.  The school has been much too empty these past few weeks and we are all now gearing up for some wonderful weeks leading up to Easter. In preparation for the return to school we have organised the…

Mrs Sharon Charlesworth

5th March 2021

Tribute. Many of you will remember past pupil and former Augustinian parent, Sharon Charlesworth.  Mrs Charlesworth sadly passed away on Sunday 14th February after a long illness.  Her courage and shining, joyful character was an example of a life well lived. Her funeral is on Monday 8th March and, rather fittingly, her funeral procession will…

Sunday Farmers’ Market at St Augustine’s Priory

26th February 2021

Exciting news! Spring is on the way and to go with the (hopefully) warmer weather we are delighted to let you know that from Sunday 14th March 2021 St Augustine’s Priory will be the location for the Trash and Treasure Farmers’ Market on Sundays from 10.00am – 2.00pm. The idea behind the Trash and Treasure market…

The Echo

26th February 2021

How lockdown affects the amount of electricity used! Tara and Stella, from the St Augustine’s Priory Junior Eco Committee, have prepared the latest edition of the Echo, the newsletter of the Junior and Senior Eco Committees.  This edition discusses the extraordinary impact on the environment of our use of electricity during lockdown. ‘During lockdown, people…

Ash Wednesday ‘At Home’

12th February 2021

A guide for us all. The following Ash Wednesday At Home guide has been prepared by the Diocese of Westminster Education Service.  As Mrs George writes, ‘As Ash Wednesday falls in half term this year on 17th  February, we thought you may appreciate an Ash Wednesday at Home Guide to help you come together as…

The Echo

12th February 2021

The impact of the pandemic. The Senior Eco Committee has prepared the latest edition of ‘The Echo’, the bulletin from the Junior and Senior Eco Committees which aims to engage our wider community in issues surrounding sustainability and reducing our carbon footprints. This edition discusses the impact of the Covid pandemic: ‘Owing to the pandemic,…

Musical Endeavours

11th February 2021

A virtual achievement. Learning a musical instrument is a thoroughly rewarding endeavour, but is it something that can be pursued in the current climate, where learning online may sound a challenge too far?  Let Naomi, one of our Upper VI students, dispel any doubts you may have!  Her achievement this year is a testament to…

‘Whole Being’

29th January 2021

Now and Beyond Mental Health Festival. St Augustine’s Priory is celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week (1st – 7th February) with a programme of activities that everyone can become involved in, with the highlight being Wednesday 3rd February’s ‘Now and Beyond Mental Health Festival’. Both Juniors and Seniors have a programme of activities planned with Juniors…

Partnership in action

29th January 2021

Walking and working together. During the first lockdown last year, Priory Purpose, the Sixth Form student-led initiative that seeks to serve the community through fundraising via projects such as their annual Fright Night, created a website called Creativity Counts.  Moved by how so many children had no access to creative learning our Sixth Form sought to help…

Fratelli Tutti

28th January 2021

Accompanying with an open heart. On 4th October last year, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, the Vatican released the latest encyclical by Pope Francis, ‘Fratelli Tutti’.  Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, here tells us about a recent online training session led by Fr Eamonn Mulcahy on ‘Fratelli Tutti’. ‘Fr Eamonn is a…