Category: Junior

2020 in Ten Poems

22nd January 2021

Poem of the Week. No-one who viewed the inauguration of President Biden this week could  have been failed to be moved by the power of poet Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day 2021 poem, ‘The Hill We Climb’.  Although written especially for the day and speaking about the United States, there were lines that resonated with everyone…

Testing, testing, testing

15th January 2021

  St Augustine’s Priory Test Site. In her video this week, we are led by Headteacher Mrs Raffray on a tour of the test site at St Augustine’s Priory.  Here, staff who are coming into the school and the children of critical workers are able to access lateral flow tests for Covid-19 on a weekly…

Selection Day 2021

15th January 2021

An innovative start to the New Year. Mrs Savic, the St Augustine’s Priory Registrar, reports on this year’s unusual Selection Day: ‘This year’s 11+ Selection Day was like no other in that we did not have any written tests but instead an extended interview via Zoom.  The current national lockdown has meant that we could…

The Chapel in Advent

16th December 2020

Looking to Christmas. Our journey through Advent centres around the anticipation of Christmas, the coming of the Christ child into our lives.  Our Chapel has remained open throughout this time, welcoming all those who wish to spend quiet time in peace and contemplation safe in the knowledge that throughout all our lives, it is this…

Lower II Mathematicians

15th December 2020

Primary Maths Challenge. More great news from the Primary Maths Challenge.  Recently, we reported on the achievements of our Upper II Mathematicians in this annual nationwide competition aimed at children in Junior schools.  Now we can report on the achievements of girls in Lower II, who have been awarded certificates within each year group to…

Christmas: Jumpers and Lunch!

15th December 2020

  An enjoyable day. On Thursday 10th December the annual Christmas lunch took place at St Augustine’s Priory.  Alongside this, pupils and staff came in resplendent in their Christmas jumpers.  With turkey and decorations, crackers and hats, girls this was a wonderfully colourful and delicious day of celebration!  

Prep II to Upper II poets

10th December 2020

‘Untold Stories’. This autumn, English Heritage organised a nationwide poetry competition entitled ‘Untold Stories’.  This competition invited children to submit their poems and was divided into several age categories:  5 – 8 years old, 9 – 12 years old, 13 – 16 years old and 17+. Our Juniors took this competition to heart and everyone,…

A Musical Christmas present idea

9th December 2020

An album of carols. For those of you who would like to accompany your Christmas Day with music, why not enjoy some music, provided by our guitar teacher, Mr Scott? This year he has produced an album entitled, ‘Christmas Carols for Solo Guitar’.  Mr Scott studied both classical and jazz guitar while at the Royal…

Christmas at St Augustine’s

9th December 2020

The After Dark Trail. We are so used every year to the Preps entertaining us with their Nativity plays.  However, this year Preps I, II and III were in for a treat as, on Monday 7th December, the Juniors entertained the Preps with the story of the Nativity.  But this was no ordinary Nativity.  It…

The Christ who accompanies

8th December 2020

A poem for Christmas. Trees and lights adorn St Augustine’s Priory as we journey through Advent.  From trees in the grounds to wreaths in Reception, the school is getting ready to celebrate the Christmas season.         But amidst all the decorations and the joy, the following poem by Malcolm Guite from ‘Sounding the…