Category: Junior

GSA Creative Writing competition

7th July 2022

Great success! The Creative Writing Club is thrilled to announce that Tamara and Milly, both in Upper IV have achieved great success in the Girls’ Schools Association Creative writing competition.   In the KS3 category Tamara’s poem has been awarded runner-up position and Milly’s poem has been highly commended. Congratulations to both! Mrs King, English Department,…

Summer Concert

6th July 2022

An evening of music. The Summer Concert on Tuesday 28th June was a sublime occasion.  The Chapel was full of families who had come to see, hear and support our cavalcade of musicians who had assembled under the aegis of our Director of Music, Dr Higgins and his colleagues in the Music Department. Rehearsals had…

The Great Escape

6th July 2022

The return of the Escape Room! Our Head of IT, Mr Dellow, reports on the welcome return of the St Augustine’s Priory Escape Room!  This fiendish challenge has been open since 28th June and has operated from 8.30am until the end of the school day.  It finishes today and has been a tremendous success. ‘After…

LAMDA Showcase

30th June 2022

Talent from across the school. The LAMDA Showcase on Wednesday 22nd June was a dramatic and oratorical triumph!  From Preps to Seniors, pupils demonstrated their hard work and ability in acting, speaking verse and prose, and speaking in public.  Ms Brown, Head of Drama, reports:   ‘Last Wednesday’s LAMDA Showcase was an extravaganza of performance…

First Holy Communion Mass

24th June 2022

A celebration. Our First Holy Communion Mass took place on Wednesday 22nd June, beautifully celebrated by Fr Thomas on a lovely summer’s day. The First Holy Communicants had prepared the Mass extremely well and the family members and staff who attended were delighted to be a part of this wonderful morning.  The Faith Friends also…

Priory Farm visitors

24th June 2022

St Vincent’s Pet Ambassadors. On Tuesday 21st June the Priory Farm was delighted to welcome some important visitors from the St Vincent’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Acton.  Their Year 6 Pet Ambassadors entered wholeheartedly into the experience.  Mr Raffray guided them round and explained the care and commitment that looking after animals involves. The…

Upper II Scientists

23rd June 2022

The Royal Institution. Mrs Lennox reports on the recent scientific visit of Upper II: ‘Monday 13th June saw Upper II scientists venture forth to the Royal Institution to see ‘Science on Stage’.  This challenged them and stretched their scientific abilities. There were three main learning performances, all based on scientific knowledge, such as The Benjamin…

Priory Farm and Meadow Open Morning

17th June 2022

Meeting the animals. The Priory Farm and the Meadow threw open their gates on Sunday 12th June to welcome visitors.  Our ‘Augustronomique’ horsebox opened up and provided refreshments on a warm June morning.  Mr Raffray, the Priory Farm Managers and the parents who volunteer on the allotment and Priory Farm were on hand to guide…

MFL Junior Film Night

16th June 2022

‘Encanto’. Ms de Lahitte of the Modern Foreign Languages Department organised a film night for the Juniors on Friday 10th June.  Upper II and some members of Lower II gathered in the Priory Sixth Common Room to watch the film ‘Encanto’, which follows a Colombian family whose children and grandchildren receive magical gifts which enable…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee BBQ Picnic

15th June 2022

A lunch in the grounds. After all the events of the Platinum Jubilee Weekend, St Augustine’s Priory was ready to celebrate as well.  The Nursery had marked the Jubilee with a tea before Half Term, but the rest of the school were waiting for a BBQ picnic on Friday 10th June.     Armed with a…