Category: Junior

Library News

20th November 2020

Reading, reading, reading! A library may conjure up images of rows and rows of bookshelves where people go to have a quiet time and nothing ever changes.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Here Mrs Bhatti, our School Librarian, reports on the latest news from our Scriptorium where developments are always happening.  ‘Operation Overdrive…

Odd Socks Day!

20th November 2020

United Against Bullying. The whole school joined in Anti-Bullying Week’s Odd Socks Day on Monday 16th November.  From the Nursery upwards into the Seniors a spectacular array of odd socks was on display.  Even Upper I, at home during this time, joined in via their computers with a gangantuan display of colourful footwear! Staff were…

Expanding vocabulary

17th November 2020

Junior Spanish Spelling Bee. Lockdown has been no barrier to education at St Augustine’s Priory.  Here, Mylla, now in Form III, reports on the Junior Spanish Spelling Bee, designed to expand and test knowledge of the Spanish language: ‘Back in the Summer Term in Upper II during Lockdown, we were invited to take part in…

Anti-Bullying Week 2020

13th November 2020

United Against Bullying. The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is ‘United Against Bullying’.  Taking place next week from 16th – 20th November, there are a host of activities planned throughout the week, beginning with Odd Socks day on Monday 16th November when we are all invited to wear odd socks to school – the more…

Upper II and the Kingdom of God

13th November 2020

Learning in love. We are delighted to print two articles by members of Upper II who have been studying the Kingdom of God in their R.E. lessons. Mrs Cattigan, Form Teacher Upper II Alpha, reports, ‘It is that time of year again when I challenge the girls in Upper II to write a report summarising…

Sheep Tagging with the Farm Managers

13th November 2020

Not just a fashion statement. Ear tags on sheep are used to identify them and can help to identify the sex, year of birth and even the parents of each sheep!  So, on Friday 6th November Mr Raffray, together with the Farm Managers, gathered to round up our flock and ear tag them.  This is…

Armistice Day 2020

11th November 2020

A Commemoration. The autumn leaves were falling at St Augustine’s Priory as all the children and staff commemorated Armistice Day on 11th November.  One hundred years after the Unknown Warrior was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey, the whole school gathered in the grounds and observed the two-minute silence at 11.00am. Following this, Daisy in…

Poppies from Nursery, Preps and Juniors

10th November 2020

Marking Remembrance Day. From Nursery to Upper II, the girls of St Augustine’s Priory have been busy making poppies to mark Remembrance Sunday on 8th November and Armistice Day on 11th November.  Their wonderful work is displayed in the Prep Playground for all to see. Since World War I, red poppies have been a moving…

Nursery – Upper II and Black History Month

6th November 2020

Creative Learning. So much learning took place during Black History Month and Juniors plunged headlong into the delights of research and creativity.  This wonderful poster encapsulates all that took place from Nursery to Upper II.

Meeting Members of Staff…

6th November 2020

Ms E Dindo. After Half Term we welcomed Ms E Dindo to St Augustine’s Priory.  She has joined us as Form Teacher of Lower I and will also be teaching French and Music in the Juniors. Hailing from Vancouver, Ms Dindo gained a B.Ed. in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.  Her…