Category: Junior

Upper II Alpha celebrate National Windrush Day 2020

22nd June 2020

Poetry to the fore. Monday 22nd June 2020 sees National Windrush Day, a day to honour the British Caribbean community and celebrate the arrival of the passenger liner, the Empire Windrush, which, in 1948, arrived in London with Caribbean migrants who had come to help rebuild the UK after World War II. On a beautiful…

Prayers for all

26th March 2020

Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten Theatre Company, a professional Catholic theatre company which has often visited St Augustine’s Priory, has prepared resources for us all to use at this time.  We are attaching the following prayers and are grateful to Ten Ten for them. We do hope you find them of use.        …

Spring at St Augustine’s Priory

26th March 2020

The grounds wake from winter. The grounds at St Augustine’s Priory are beautifully coming into their own with Spring definitely in the air.  Daffodils, the heralds of Spring, are trumpeting the new season and blossoms and buds are running riot.    It seems strange to see the grounds and animals at St Augustine’s Priory without…

Ethical Leadership Programme

19th March 2020

Priory 6 and Trusted Friends. Ljilja Vincic is one of three Priory pupils participating in the Ethical Leadership programme.  They are involved in designing projects which will recognise and develop their leadership qualities and skills for life.  The Ethical Leadership Programme is a student-focused qualification designed to recognise character skills and leadership qualities, while enabling…

Upper I visit the André Malraux School

19th March 2020

An afternoon of French culture! Monday 9th March saw Upper I visit the André Malraux School for an afternoon of French culture.  Ms Gandi, Teacher of French and Spanish reports on their visit: ‘On Monday afternoon we went to the French Primary school André Malraux in Hanwell. Upper I had previously exchanged some information about themselves…

Book celebrations continue

18th March 2020

Visit of Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The visit of author Frank Cottrell-Boyce on Friday 13th March was an amazing finale to the previous week’s celebrations of Book Week and World Book Day.  Mr Cottrell-Boyce has written sequels to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, won the 2004 Carnegie Medal for ‘Millions’ and the 2012 Guardian Prize for ‘The Unforgotten…

STEAMing ahead

13th March 2020

Lower V and Lower II learn together. As a wonderful prelude to STEAM week this week Lower II recently benefited from Lower V’s experience and knowledge.      Lower II enjoyed a wonderful lesson when they shared their ideas for their Science projects with Lower V Science pupils. Mr Matheson’s students supported the younger girls…

Fright Night Fantastic!

13th March 2020

Learning On Screen Awards. With the amazing news that the film directed by Priory 6 pupil, Taline Manuelian, for Fright Night 2019 has been  shortlisted for the Learning On Screen Awards 2020 in the Promotional Film Award category, we thought that you would like to see the shortlisted film! The results will be announced at…

World Book Day and Book Week

6th March 2020

The Year of the Word. From a rock that David threw at Goliath to Queen Esther to an entire Nativity scene the pupils and staff at St Augustine’s Priory threw themselves into World Book Day on Thursday and its theme of characters from the Bible.  Pupils dressed as characters from the Old and New Testaments…


6th March 2020

Poetry and Prose at St Augustine’s Priory. Book Week is an excellent time to launch our latest publication, SCRIBE.  SCRIBE is a selection of poetry and prose produced by girls from Upper II to Upper VI and written during the Summer and Michaelmas Terms 2019. Arising out of the Creative Writing Club and English curriculum…