Category: Junior

Poetry for Lubasi

6th March 2020

Ms Mona Arshi at Pitshanger Bookshop. Wednesday 29th April sees award-winning poet Mona Arshi present an evening of poetry reading and discussion at the Pitshanger Bookshop in support of the Lubasi Children’s Home, Livingstone, Zambia. Ms Arshi worked as a human rights lawyer at Liberty before she started writing. Her debut collection ‘Small Hands’ won…

The St Augustine’s Priory Pub Quiz 2020

6th March 2020

Stretch your brain! The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee quiz nights are always an excellent time to jumble up the brain cells for an evening of food and fair play.  Taking place this year on Friday 13th March, doors are open at 7.00pm and the quiz starts at 7.30pm.  There will be a break during…

Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership

6th March 2020

A concert of four schools joining together. The evening of Monday 23rd March sees a not-to-be missed concert of the Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership.  Taking place at 7.30pm in Ealing Abbey, with guest vocalists VOCES8, this will be an evening when the four schools in the partnership join together for an evening of wonderful music-making….

Lower I explores the past

28th February 2020

Romans to the fore! The new half term began with Lower I travelling to the past and thoroughly enjoying a day which focussed on the Romans.  The Freshwater Theatre Company delivered an exciting day with a Roman television quiz show, ‘Return from the Past’, in the morning, and afternoon workshops.  This company has been delivering…

The Priory Farm and its visitors

28th February 2020

Visitors from Oswestry School. Winter is still with us even though the daffodils are blossoming in the Prep Meadow! But the Priory Farm never sleeps.  The allotment needs tending, the chickens, micro-pigs and sheep all need looking after and our Farm Managers are no slouches when it comes to all the work involved – however…

Ash Wednesday

28th February 2020

Our prayerful beginning to Lent. Following the excitement of the pancakes on Shrove Tuesday the next day we marked Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  Lent is the period of forty days leading up to Easter, a time when we prepare through fasting, penitence and prayer for Easter.   Two Masses were held on Wednesday,  celebrated…

Our Lenten work

28th February 2020

The Catholic Children’s Society. At Senior Assembly on Monday this week we were visited by Ms K Waring from the Catholic Children’s Society, the organisation we will be supporting throughout Lent via the collection boxes which have been distributed one to each class.  The CCS supports disadvantaged children and families across London, Hertfordshire and the…


28th February 2020

A useful guide. Ms Burrell and Mrs Pugh, Science Department, have provided a handy guide to a very current issue, the coronavirus, aka COVID-19.  As they say, ‘we have produced this so that girls are able to interpret the headlines on the virus correctly and properly look after themselves’. We hope that you find it…

Book Week 2020

27th February 2020

The Wonder of Words. St Augustine’s Priory has a long link with authors starting with George Sand (real name Aurore Dupin), the nineteenth century French novelist who attended the school when it was in Paris.  Fast forward to the twenty-first century and award-winning poet Mona Arshi is an Augustinian parent and award-winning poet Neil Elder…

Wellness Week 2020

14th February 2020

Whole School Involvement From the Nursery right through to Upper VI, all at St Augustine’s Priory were involved in Wellness Week 2020.  A host of activities took place, starting on Monday 10th February when Priory 6 students visited the Nursery to talk about how to look after ourselves and each other. Ms Hagerty led a…