Category: Junior

A Majestic King Lear

29th November 2019

Shakespeare Schools Festival Production. King Lear is an astonishing play in which Shakespeare explores such themes as justice, familial relationships, politics, madness, compassion and nature.  A strong and sometimes brutal play, St Augustine’s Priory delivered a powerful production of Shakespeare’s King Lear when they participated in the Shakespeare Schools Festival recently.  Drama and LAMDA teacher…

Jingle Bell Bash

29th November 2019

Christmas Extravaganza. On Friday 6th December the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee is promising a Christmas event like no other.  The ‘Jingle Bell Bash’ will see the Nursery, Preps and Juniors enjoying a Disco and Fair while the Seniors gather for a Christmas Cinema event. The Nursery and Prep I will enjoy the event from…

Mrs Bennet leads the way

22nd November 2019

A Chemistry Competitor. As we all know, Mrs J Bennet is Head of Mathematics at St Augustine’s Priory.  So it came as a bit of a surprise when we discovered that she had entered a Chemistry competition. No stranger to entering her students for mathematical competitions galore, Mrs Bennet decided that it was time for…

Upper I and their Mass of Remembrance

8th November 2019

Prayers for always. At the Mass for the Juniors on Wednesday, which was beautifully celebrated for us by Fr Thomas, Upper I organised the liturgy and put a great deal of thought into their Mass.  The theme they took was ‘Remembrance’ as Remembrance Sunday is this weekend.  They made a wreath of poppies which was…

Upper II Alpha and the Kingdom of God

8th November 2019

A thoughtful consideration. Ms Cattigan, Form Teacher, Upper II Alpha, has been teaching her class about the Kingdom of God.  The class was asked to consider how our beliefs about the Kingdom of God impact our moral values and behaviour.  Lara Ward has written about this and we would like to share with you her…

Academic Scholars’ News

7th November 2019

Meetings of Minds. Mr Elder reports on the activities of our Academic Scholars who meet regularly to discuss and question current affairs and wider matters of interest: ‘On particular Wednesday mornings, while staff and students are arriving at school, the academic scholars are to be found in the Scriptorium discussing matters of the day or…

Priory Pyrotechnics

1st November 2019

Firework Fun. The Half Term break began with a bang at our annual Priory Pyrotechnics on Friday 18th October.  An evening of fireworks, refreshments and entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by our pupils and their families on a clear evening which was wonderfully organised by our St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee.           A dazzling display…

Open Day

1st November 2019

A day to remember. Saturday 12th October saw our Michaelmas Term Open Day.  St Augustine’s Priory opened its doors to over 150 families, and we all had an amazing time showing St Augustine’s Priory to our very welcome guests.    After a presentation from Mrs Raffray and our Head Girl in the Hall, the visiting…

Form III insight

18th October 2019

‘My First Half Term in the Seniors’. Anaya Garr, Augustinian of several years standing, this year joined the Seniors and is in her first term in Form III.  She is one of our Form III academic scholars and has written the following article which gives an insight into joining the Seniors from a student’s perspective….

Canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman

11th October 2019

‘From shadows and images into truth’. Rome will see thousands of visitors on Sunday 13th October as this is the day that Blessed John Henry Newman will be canonised.  Along with Miss Johnson, our SENCO, Cardinal Vincent Nichols will lead a delegation of seventeen English and Welsh Bishops and the Prince of Wales will also…