Category: Junior

BBC Young Reporters…

8th March 2019

Journalism in action. Our BBC Young Reporters have written, presented and produced an excellent film, reporting on the Priory Farm.  Discover the origins of the farm, who runs it and meet (and hear!) our animals. You can access the Priory Report:  Farming here: The report tantalisingly begins ‘With spring and Easter bunnies around the…

British Science Week 2019

8th March 2019

Seniors and Juniors: Experiments and enrichment. St Augustine’s Priory is gearing up for British Science Week next week.  There are a host of activities taking place throughout the school, from Juniors through to Priory 6, including the Junior School Science Fair run by Lower II and taking place on Friday 15th March. Science teacher, Ms…

Augustinians Achieving

7th March 2019

The best experience! Girls leave St Augustine’s Priory prepared for the world of further education and the world of work.  We ensure that they have the tools that enable them to enter a vast array of careers and have all the equipment needed to fulfil their potential and contribute to the wider world. Here we…

Drama training: a skill for life

1st March 2019

  A valuable Drama Inset. Training and learning never stops!  Head of Drama, Ms Brown, attended the annual Drama Teacher Conference last week at the Royal National Theatre and learnt from the best! Ms Brown reports, ‘Theatre director, Katie Mitchell, spoke to a room of Drama Teachers at the National Theatre last week as part…

Women’s World Day of Prayer

1st March 2019

Uniting across the world. Today we celebrate the Women’s World Day of Prayer, an opportunity for women throughout the world to realise the power of prayer and the fulfilment that comes from joining together in prayer.  We here attach a prayer from St Teresa of Avila, a prayer which speaks to the heart of our…

The Parents’ Committee

8th February 2019

A community enterprise. Mrs Beadsworth is one of the stalwart members of the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee, an enthusiastic and extremely hard-working group of parents who organise fantastic events throughout the year.  She here introduces the work of the committee: ‘The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee aims to raise funds for activities outside the…

Drama:  Juniors and Seniors together

8th February 2019

A visit to Sky Academy. Ms Brown, Head of Drama, reports on the visit on 5th February of the Senior Drama Gifted and Talented pupils, who this week visited Sky Academy. ‘Our Drama Department at St Augustine’s Priory has forged links with industry at Sky Academy, where pupils made action movie trailers this week using…

Children’s Mental Health Week 2019

8th February 2019

Healthy:  Inside and Out. Children’s health – something we take very seriously at St Augustine’s Priory.  The key is integration:  our life here focuses on the mental and physical health of children, enshrined in all that we do.  From healthy eating, a stimulating and stretching academic life, exercise and, most vital, play, PSHEE lessons, our…

The TES Independent School Awards 2019

8th February 2019

The Priory Farm’s work is recognised. The Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane was the venue for the TES Independent School Awards 2019 held on Friday 1st February.  Many independent schools had been shortlisted in various categories and we were delighted that St Augustine’s Priory had been shortlisted for the ‘Whole-school community initiative of the…

A Healthy School

1st February 2019

  Silver Award achievement. Mrs Costello, Form Teacher Prep II and PSHE Lead for Preps and Pre-Preps and Juniors, was the bearer of exciting news last week about our participation in Healthy Schools.  She takes up the story: ‘I am delighted to announce that St Augustine’s Priory has achieved a Healthy Schools London Silver Award….