Category: Junior


1st February 2019

    And All That Jazz. It’s nearly time for our St Augustine’s Priory production of ‘Chicago’, being held at The Questors Theatre, Mattock Lane, Ealing on 3rd, 4th and 5th April at 7.30pm.  Booking tickets online is easy, just go to The production involves senior girls both on stage and backstage and the…

Loving to learn

1st February 2019

Following St Augustine. Our patron saint, St Augustine of Hippo, had this to say about education: ‘Education is the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity, and the provocation of grace to the soul.’ St Augustine of Hippo At St Augustine’s Priory we are…

A Life Outside

1st February 2019

Mr Chappory and music. We all know Mr Chappory as our Head of Geography, venturing out in all seasons for field visits to places such as the Olympic Park, Brighton or Aberystwyth.  But you may be interested to know that he is also a talented musician, founder of the band Lost Remnants, who have just…

Upper II Alpha share their stories

11th January 2019

  Creativity in the Juniors. Mrs Cattigan, Form Teacher Upper II Alpha, reports that her Form have begun the new year with a great spirit of creativity and generosity! ‘Upper II Alpha wrote some short stories inspired by their class novel, ‘Eye of the Wolf’ and in the true spirit of storytelling, visited Lower I…

News from Argentina

11th January 2019

Fundación Anpuy. Ms De Lahitte is delighted to share with us news on Nico, the Argentinian boy we sponsor through the charity Fundación Anpuy. ‘We recently received Nicolas’ end of year report from Fundación Anpuy, which includes a picture of Nico with the personalised football top we sent him (this had been funded by a Priory 6 fundraising initiative). Below is a translated extract from…

Meeting members of staff…

11th January 2019

  Ms D Corkery. This term we are delighted to welcome Ms D Corkery to St Augustine’s Priory, who joins us as a teacher of R.E.  Ms Corkery says: ‘I’m delighted to be teaching such fantastic pupils. The welcome that I have received since I set foot inside St Augustine’s Priory has been amazing. The…

Prayer for the New Year

11th January 2019

God knows us and loves us. As we begin the Lent Term, we look forward with hope and trust to all that the year 2019 will bring.  God loves us; as it says in Jeremiah, chapter 1: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you’. …

The Christmas Carol Service

13th December 2018

We prepare for the Nativity. The St Augustine’s Priory Carol Service, held every year at Ealing Abbey, is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of Christ.  The evening of Tuesday 11th December 2018 was no exception. We began the evening with a gathering of Association members in the Parish Centre.  Past pupils, former…

The Christmas Fair

13th December 2018

An annual festival! With stalls, crafts, games, the teddy tombola and refreshments on offer, the annual St Augustine’s Priory Christmas Fair was a festival of fun and entertainment.  Brilliantly organised by the St Augustine’s Parents’ Committee, whose hard work and energy is always behind the Christmas Fair, the school enjoyed a late afternoon of magic…

The Season of Advent

7th December 2018

The coming of the Lamb of God. As the time of preparation for the coming of Christ, Advent is one of the primary seasons of the liturgical year.  As we wait in hope and joy for Christmas, we share a poem with you by Denise Levertov, entitled ‘Agnus Dei’, the Lamb of God. Given that…