Category: Junior

Meeting Members of Staff…

7th December 2018

Miss S Nowakowska. Miss Nowakowska joined St Augustine’s Priory this term as a teacher of PE.  We were delighted to welcome her and she has settled in and looks to be enjoying life here!  Miss Nowakowska has this to say: ‘I am very grateful to have been welcomed so kindly to the St Augustine’s Priory…

Red Wednesday

30th November 2018

Walking together in faith. On Wednesday 28th November we celebrated a whole school Mass in the temporary hall.  From the Nursery to Upper VI, together with staff and parents, we marked Red Wednesday.  This annual day is an initiative of the organisation Aid to the Church in Need and we are invited to gather together…

Upper II scientists

30th November 2018

Getting to the heart of the matter. Miss Daya has been leader Upper II through the realm of Science this term and here reports on a fascinating scientific journey and hands-on experience through the anatomy of the heart. ‘This half term in Science, Upper II have been learning about ‘Healthy Bodies’. To further our understanding…

St Cecilia Concert

30th November 2018

The Chapel fills with sound! Our annual St Cecilia concert took place on Thursday 22nd November this year in the Chapel, held on the feast day of the Patroness of Musicians. We celebrate this date every year, but this year’s concert was particularly special as it was in remembrance of the centenary of the ending…

Poland’s centenary commemoration

23rd November 2018

Augustinians sing at the Royal Albert Hall. During the commemorations for the ending of World War I another centenary commemoration was also taking place – that of the independence of Poland.  Three Augustinians, Amelia in Lower IV, Roza in Form III and Ilona in Lower II took part in a celebration at the Royal Albert…

Upper I pupil and the Superbowl champions

22nd November 2018

Training with  NFL Philadelphia Eagles. We play many sports at St Augustine’s Priory – hockey, netball, cross country, tennis, athletics,  – to name but a few.  However, Enya, Upper I, a keen sportswoman is always ready to try something new!  She recently had the wonderful opportunity to explore a sport not played at school and…

Meeting Members of Staff…

22nd November 2018

Mr R Porter. We are delighted to welcome Mr Porter, who joins us in the Music Department as clarinet and saxophone teacher.  He is an award-winning performer and composer and has performed at many prestigious venues across the UK. Here he tells us about himself: ‘I received a distinction upon completing the MA Jazz Performance course at…

Meeting Members of Staff…

15th November 2018

Mr W Scott. We are delighted to welcome Mr W Scott who joins St Augustine’s Priory as guitar teacher.  His playing can be heard at  where Mr Scott plays ‘Three Poets’, composed by William Lovelady, and inspired by three poets who died during combat in World War I: Wilfred Owen (English poet), Charles Péguy…

New Music Room

6th November 2018

Space to compose. There was much excitement just before Half Term when our new Music Room was unveiled.  Work had taken place over the Summer holidays and two ribbon-cutting ceremonies saw the official opening – one for the Seniors and one for the Juniors.    Juniors:  cutting the ribbon!    Describing the facilities available in…

Lost Property

2nd November 2018

Longing to be reunited! Our lost property cupboard is overflowing with uniform that is longing to be reunited with its rightful owners. Do please remember to label your daughters’ uniforms to ensure that they are returned to them as soon as possible. Any unclaimed uniform will be sold at the next Second Hand Uniform Sale….