Category: Junior

Sheep Shearing at St Augustine’s.

13th July 2018

Sunday 8th July started out hot and ended up hot – for most of us anyway!  For some inhabitants of St Augustine’s Priory it ended on a much cooler note as Sunday was the day that the sheep shearers came calling!  Below are some pictures of the event, but if you would like to see…

Junior and Preps Sports Day

29th June 2018

A record-breaking day. Wednesday 20th June saw the Prep and Junior School Sports Day, a day of wonderful weather and exciting sport. Mrs Gosling, Director of Sport, here tells us about the day: On Wednesday 20th June we saw the Preps and Juniors have their turn for Sports Day. With expected scorching temperatures, we were…

Lower II go on an adventure…

28th June 2018

PGL at Barton Hall, Devon. Barton Hall, situated in South Devon, is a wonderful place to visit for anyone who wants to go on an adventure.  Which is exactly what Lower II did from Monday 11th – Wednesday 13th June when they enjoyed glorious sunshine in a location which has a backdrop of rolling Devonshire…

Sharing the Journey

26th June 2018

CAFOD campaign. ‘Share the Journey’, CAFOD’s campaign of awareness raising of the plight of refugees saw Augustinians of all ages – from Nursery to Priory 6 to staff and parents walking around the school grounds last week.  Throughout the week, from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd June each class gathered in our Chapel and then…

The Miraculum Children’s Choir

22nd June 2018

Inspirational visitors. This week has seen some extraordinary visitors come to St Augustine’s Priory.  We welcomed the Miraculum Children’s Choir from the Kodály School in Kecskemét, Hungary.  Led by László Durányik, this world-famous choir has won accolades and awards for over twenty years and we were delighted to welcome them to Ealing as first stop…

Women’s Wellness Week

22nd June 2018

An inaugural event. Women’s Wellness Week, held last week at St Augustine’s Priory, was an incredible initiative, drawing together our community in awareness raising, discovery and education about how to make choices for a healthy and fulfilling life. To that end we started the week with a powerful talk by Mrs Ransome (see article in…

Junior Film Night

21st June 2018

Great support for Fundación Anpuy. Miss De Lahitte reports that the recent Modern Languages Junior Film Night, held on Friday 8th June was a roaring success, raising a marvellous £174.10 which will go towards sponsoring the education of Nicolas, the boy we are proud to be sponsoring in Argentina through Fundación Anpuy in Salta, Argentina. …

Blooming in June…

19th June 2018

Ealing in Bloom competition. Tuesday 19th June saw us welcome three judges from the Ealing in Bloom competition.  We were delighted to be able to show them around our grounds and tell them about all the wonderful things that happen there! Mrs Knowles together with Nancy from Lower I, Alice from Upper I, Ivy and…

Lower I and Upper I go on safari

14th June 2018

A visit to Woburn Safari Park. Ms Gambrill, together with Lower I and Upper I, had an adventurous time on Wednesday 13th June when they travelled to the wilds of Woburn.  Ms Gambrill takes up the story…   ‘Lower and Upper I had one of their last adventures of the year and travelled to Woburn…

Yourstage Courses

14th June 2018

A Time to Shine. Learn a craft, discover a talent, find a passion! What will your child get out of Yourstage Drama this summer? Did you know that there are fantastic children’s drama courses run here at St Augustine’s Priory during term time and the Easter and Summer holidays? Yourstage Drama has been running successful…