Category: Junior

A Winter Wonderland

28th February 2018

It’s No Joke! (Er, it’snow joke?). Like most of the country, St Augustine’s Priory was covered in snow today.  All the inhabitants, whether human or other enjoyed the whole experience!  Here are some pictures of girls, sheep and a lone chicken braving the weather and making the most of the snowy spring conditions. From the…

CAFOD Lent Fast Day 2018

27th February 2018

Jacqueline Stuyt-Simpson:  Gamechanger.  If you are ever wondering if  – or even how – one person can make a difference, we would like to draw your attention to Jacqueline Stuyt-Simpson.  Jacqueline Simpson was born in 1919 and for her schooldays attended St Augustine’s Priory and thereafter studied Modern Languages at King’s College, London. And she…

Upper IV on Pope Francis

26th February 2018

Pope Francis:  Gamechanger. Mrs McDermott set girls a homework asking them to research Pope Francis and write an essay explaining why they thought he should be a role model for young people today.  Dilichi Dieobi, Upper IVA,  produced the following essay ‘From being voted as Time’s Person of the Year for 2013 to sneaking out…

Lower II visits Ancient Greece

26th February 2018

An Ancient Greek Symposium. Mrs Tomlinson, Form Teacher Lower II Alpha, has been leading Lower II through the delights of Ancient Greece during the first half of the Lent Term.  To this end, on Thursday 8th February Lower II held an Ancient Greek Symposium.  Mrs Tomlinson continues: ‘We held a Greek Symposium (a traditional dinner…

Junior Music Competition

26th February 2018

Raising our voices! Miss Westley, Music Department, reports on the wonderful Junior Music Competition which was held on Wednesday 7th February.  This was a golden opportunity for Junior girls to compete in their school Houses and enjoy the sounds they make! ‘This term Junior girls have been participating in a Music Competition, which culminated in…

Mental Health and Book Week unite

26th February 2018

New publication. Having just celebrated our Book Week with some stupendous activities, Mr Elder, English Department, highlights an issue very much in the spotlight: ‘As a school we have mental health very much in mind – both in regard to students and ourselves. The charity MIND provides support and funding for support services for those…

News about the Kneelers!

26th February 2018

Chapel Update… You will remember our One Hundred Years of Faith project to produce kneelers for our Chapel, started in 2015; twelve small and one long kneeler.  Well, the exciting news is that eleven of the small kneelers have been completed and we are awaiting completion of the twelfth, and then it’s on to the…

A Quizzical Evening

23rd February 2018

A Date for your Diary! The Parents’ Committee is holding another wonderful evening on Friday 16th March.  ‘A Quizzical Evening’ will test your ability to mine the darkest recesses of your memories for those items of trivia you have stashed away for that rainy day. What is the capital of Iceland? How many children did…

Feast Day Celebrations

23rd February 2018

A School Community. The Lent Half Term began, as always, with our school’s Feast Day on Friday 9th February.  Originally held on the Feast Day of Reverend Mother, this is a tradition which reaches back many years into the history of St Augustine’s Priory, when the school was in France.  At the beginning of the…

Upper I mark a Centenary

20th February 2018

Women’s Right to Vote To mark the centenary of women’s right to vote 1918, just before half term Upper I took part in an experiment designed to demonstrate what life may have been like!  Miss Gambrill, Form Teacher Upper I, reports on the subsequent events: ‘To commemorate the centenary of women gaining the vote, Upper…