Category: Junior

Update: Society of Heads Exhibition 2018

19th January 2018

Exhibition of A Level Art Work Following the article last week about the Society of Heads Exhibition on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th January 2018 at the Livery Hall, Guildhall (accessed via the Basinghall Street entrance) we thought we would wet your taste buds with a glimpse of some of the exciting artwork we will…

Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report

18th January 2018

December 2017 Earlier this week Mrs Raffray, Headteacher of St Augustine’s Priory, sent to all parents the Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report, the result of an inspection held by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in December 2017, in which St Augustine’s Priory was found to be fully compliant.  It is a brief report, running only to eight…

Exploring photography

16th January 2018

Pinhole Photography Workshop Ms Porter, Art Department, here reports on the workshops held by photographer, Lotte Hampson, on Friday 12th January.  It is of such value for the pupils to meet professional artists and to gain from their experience and knowledge.  With our A Level photography course proving popular and now a working darkroom which…

Society of Heads Exhibition 2018

12th January 2018

A Level Art Work We are excited to announce that St Augustine’s Priory and the Freemen’s School, Ashtead are proud to be hosting the Society of Heads Art Exhibition to be held at the Livery Hall, Guildhall London, on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th January 2018. You will remember that St Augustine’s Priory hosted this…

Beginning the Lent Term

12th January 2018

A week of celebration On Monday the Nursery began the new term by learning about the journey of the Magi to see the baby Jesus, celebrated in the Feast of the Epiphany. Miss Honeyman, Nursery Teacher, describes how the voyage to Bethlehem progressed:   ‘Nursery celebrated the feast of the Epiphany by taking the “long…

Different paths

12th January 2018

Changing direction This week has been about changing directions.  From the Feast of the Epiphany, when after visiting Jesus, the Magi ‘were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way’, to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord when Jesus, after his…

Society of Heads Exhibition 2018

12th January 2018

A Level Art Work We are excited to announce that St Augustine’s Priory and the Freemen’s School, Ashtead are proud to be hosting the Society of Heads Art Exhibition to be held at the Livery Hall, Guildhall London, on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th January 2018. You will remember that St Augustine’s Priory hosted this…

Healthy Schools London Awards

8th January 2018

Celebrating making a difference Healthy Schools London is an Awards Programme that will reach out to every London child, working with schools to improve children and young people’s wellbeing. Just before Christmas we were delighted to announce that Mrs Costello, Junior PSHE Coordinator, had led an application for St Augustine’s Priory for the Healthy Schools Award…

Computing Challenges

18th December 2017

The Bebras Competition Mr Dellow, Head of e-Learning and ICT, here tells us about the recent computational challenge set by Oxford University, Bebras. ‘Each year senior school Computing students have the opportunity to take part Oxford University’s brilliant Bebras computational thinking challenge. This year over 140,000 students from around the world took part, making it the biggest yet….

Carol Service 2017

18th December 2017

An evening of joy Choirs, orchestras, soloists, readers, pupils, staff and parents – all our community at St Augustine’s joined together for our annual Carol Service on Tuesday 12th December at Ealing Abbey.  Fr Thomas led us in the Opening Prayer and the packed Abbey was then filled with the sounds of praise and jubilation….