Category: Junior

Anti-Bullying Parent Questionnaire

17th November 2017

Link below to national survey Please find below the link to a national survey on Anti-Bullying and our parents’ knowledge of our policies and procedures.  We are always reflecting on our practice in this area and our most recent change to our policy is that we have included a specific reference to parents as bystanders…

Macbeth at the Watermans Arts Centre

16th November 2017

Each Autumn nearly 30,000 young people from primary, secondary and special schools across the country unite in the world’s largest youth drama festival, the Shakespeare Schools Festival. Months of preparation culminate in exhilarating performance evenings; young people playing Shakespeare in professional theatres, raising aspirations and unlocking the potential of students and teachers alike.  Last night,…

Upper II and their Form III Taster Afternoon

16th November 2017

Preparation for lifelong success On Monday 13th November our first ever Form III Taster Afternoon took place, a new initiative thought up by Mrs Knowles, Deputy Head, Juniors, and Mrs Gosling, Senior Form Teacher, Form III.  You will have read in last week’s article ( that on Taster Day, Upper II spend an afternoon as…

Quel Jour Magnifique!

16th November 2017

Visitors from Sainte-Marie de Neuilly Wednesday 15th November was a red-letter day in the annals of St Augustine’s Priory.  We were delighted to welcome two visitors from a Parisian school, Sainte-Marie de Neuilly: Véronique Philouze, Directrice Collège-Lycée, and Sabine Chauvet, Responsable de division 5ème. But Sainte-Marie de Neuilly is no ordinary school.  You may remember…

Preparation for lifelong success

9th November 2017

Form III Taster Afternoon We are constantly striving to ensure that girls benefit from being at an all-through school; Junior school girls are increasingly taught by Senior school teachers as they progress up the school, the Big Sister Little Sister programme buddies up new Form III girls for their first year in the Senior School,…

Priory 6’s Fright Night & Afternoon

9th November 2017

St Augustine’s Priory’s spookiest annual fundraiser Back in April this year our current Sixth Form Leadership Team were candidates for office making presentations to Upper II and the rest of the Senior School about their aims and vision should they be elected as School Officials. The girls made a lasting impression, a recurring theme being…

Priory Pyrotechnics & Pitshanger Bookshop Prize Giving 2017

25th October 2017

Last Friday 20th October our Parents’ Committee annual fireworks display, Priory Pyrotechnics, once again lit up the early autumn sky over our Ealing grounds. The evening took place at the bottom of the field thus providing St Augustine’s Priory as a dramatic backdrop to the fireworks. Staff, parents and girls manned the stalls, from Priory…

Preps and Juniors Concert: Simon Mayor and Hilary James

20th October 2017

Miss Westley tells us about the Prep and Junior School’s visit from musical entertainers Simon Mayor and Hilary James on Thursday 19th October, a great way to end Junior Assessment Week: “On Thursday afternoon the girls enjoyed a lively afternoon of music presented by Hilary James and Simon Mayor. Everybody sang along to lots of…

Macbeth at Watermans Arts Centre

19th October 2017

Shakespeare Schools Festival The national Shakespeare Schools Festival provides a valuable opportunity for pupils to work on a production, whether through acting or backstage, bring it to fruition and perform it in front of an audience.  This year the St Augustine’s Priory production is Macbeth and will be performed at the Watermans Arts Centre on…

A Must See!

16th October 2017

New film of St Augustine’s Priory Now available to see on the St Augustine’s Priory website (and also on YouTube)  – our new film!  Giving a bird’s eye view of the school with its amazing grounds and taking the viewer through the variety of life at St Augustine’s Priory, this new film was premiered at…