Category: Junior

The St Augustine’s Priory Association

8th September 2017

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the St Augustine’s Priory Association, which took place on the evening of Wednesday 6th September 2017 – thank you to all who attended. We hope that the evening gave you an idea of what we hope to achieve and an opportunity to catch up with teachers and fellow…

A new academic year at St Augustine’s Priory

4th September 2017

Prayer for the Beginning of Term As we begin the new academic year, we will be meeting old friends and making new ones and, for our pupils, there is the added excitement of going up a year with all the challenges and joys that that brings. We thought we would share with you this prayer…

Excellent results for Upper V

24th August 2017

GCSE Results We have had a wonderful day of GCSE results today at St Augustine’s Priory.  Top grades have been awarded to Upper V girls this year with 82% of GCSE results being A* – B or equivalent (9 – 6). With a clean sweep of A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, 100% passes in…

Congratulations to our exceptional Upper VI!

17th August 2017

A Level Results Congratulations to all our Upper VI on their exceptional A Level results, which were released today.  In a year of greater challenge at A Level with many linear courses and new specifications, we are delighted to announce the exceptionally strong performance of our girls. Overall, 92% of grades were from A* –…

End of Summer Term 2017

13th July 2017

“Dream big, be determined and most importantly – enjoy yourself”, Mrs Collins, Interim Head teacher. It’s hard to believe the end of the school year has come round yet again; events such as Roald Dahl Day, the High 5 Netball tournament and the European Day of Languages last September are still fresh in our minds!…

‘A Stitch in Time’ at our Arts Festival

11th July 2017

A community embroidery project During our Arts Festival, on Wednesday 28th June, a wonderful display and demonstration of the creativity achieved throughout the year by our students, one of the displays was of our ‘A Stitch in Time’ project, started in 2015.  We now have some examples of finished kneelers on display, and at the…

Upper II Moving Up Mass

7th July 2017

As we draw closer to the end of term, we celebrate all the girls who are moving up in the school.  This is a particularly important transition for Upper II, who will join the Senior school in September this year.  As the girls are well prepared to begin life in the Senior school, the transition…

 Big Sister not-so-Little Sister

7th July 2017

  Our Big Sister, Little Sister programme has reached the end of another academic year.  Our continuous Big Sister, Little Sister programme lays a firm emphasis on the community spirit of St Augustine’s Priory when, each September, our new Senior girls in Form III meet our Sixth Form.  Yes, there are regular group meetings, but…

A Psychedelic Summer Concert

7th July 2017

Last night, Thursday 6th July, saw our first concert to take place in the newly refurbished hall and also the last concert of this academic year.  The music played harked back to yesteryear as perennial favourites were performed. Hits from Queen, The Beatles and Abba filled the hall (and grounds around it) as the school’s…

The Priory Farm

7th July 2017

Farm Managers rule the roost! The orchard is now home to a thriving St Augustine’s Priory Farm.  As well as the very healthy allotment with its array of crops, the chickens are going from strength to strength as they are enjoying the fine weather and the attention of our dedicated Farm Managers. Ms Burrell reports…