Category: Junior

An English Summer Garden Party

6th July 2017

A wonderful summer’s celebration On Saturday 1st July the Parents’ Committee organised summer event, ‘An English Summer Garden Party’ took place, an occasion filled with entertainment and enjoyment for all ages.  Families gathered in the Meadow from 1.00pm to enjoy all that was on offer throughout the afternoon. Stalls offering refreshments, including a barbecue, a…

Poetry Success

6th July 2017

Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition St Augustine’s Priory pupils have achieved success in the Chiswick Book Festival Young People’s Poetry Competition 2017, learning a great deal on their poetic journey.  Teacher, Ms Sharon Barrett reports that, ‘girls in Upper II and Form III entered the competition and worked very hard on their poems. …

Upper II Geographers

30th June 2017

A day in Amersham Geography lends itself to some fascinating field trips and, for Upper II, their latest field trip was an opportunity to have a taste of the sort of experiments and analyses which they will undertake when they move up to the senior school.   Here, Miss Keep, Geography Department, gives an account of…

Summer Arts Festival 2017

30th June 2017

‘This year has produced breath-taking work and committed artists and photographers of whom we are deeply proud.  Their passion, hard work and individuality is evident, and we celebrate their commitment and talent with you at our Arts Evening’, Miss Eng, Head of Art. Every year, our Summer Arts Evening showcases the Art, Poetry, Music and…

St Augustine’s Priory Multi-Faith Eid Breakfast

28th June 2017

‘It is the duty of everyone to defend religious freedom and promote it for all people’, Pope Francis. It is an important part of the mission of Catholic schools to engage in dialogue and work together with people of other faiths in our school and local community. After recent events we, as a faith community,…

Lower II Alpha welcomes a visitor

28th June 2017

Miss Daya visits! There was great excitement in Lower II Alpha on Monday 26th June as Miss Daya popped by to show us baby Aiman, and to say ‘Hello’.  At two months old, Aiman seemed very at home in the classroom and surprisingly calm given he was surrounded by the adoring pupils from Lower II…

‘Be Spirited Day’

28th June 2017

Nursery – Form III explore prayer We are fortunate in that with our Chapel we always have somewhere to spend time in the presence of God, to pray and to enjoy the quiet and peace that being in the Chapel affords us all. As all the children from the Nursery to Form III discovered on…

Juniors enjoy ‘King Lear’

27th June 2017

A visit to the Orange Tree Theatre You are never too young to appreciate the plays of William Shakespeare!  One of the most challenging, and also the most rewarding, of Shakespeare’s plays is King Lear and the Junior school have relished the opportunity to discover more about the king, his daughters and the intrigues that…

A World of Creativity

27th June 2017

Needle and Craft Club Augustinian parent Mrs Ransome is one of our committed group of people who run our school clubs.  Covering a variety of topics, our clubs are extremely popular and provide an opportunity to learn new skills and enjoy new adventures.  Mrs Ransome runs the ‘Needle and Craft’ sessions and we thought you…

St Augustine’s Priory Sports Awards Evening

23rd June 2017

“My young girl returned home last night afterwards, truly inspired by the entire event” (St Augustine’s Priory parent) The annual Sports Awards Evening is a tradition that brings passion for sports and our school spirit together in a celebration, and recognition, of the talented and hardworking sportswomen of St Augustine’s Priory.  The evening is not…