Category: Junior

English Summer Garden Party

23rd June 2017

Our Parents’ Committee Summer Event Every year our St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee organises and delivers a stupendous summer event where we can all enjoy the grounds, the weather, the good company and the entertainment on offer.  This year is no exception!  All the family and all ages will enjoy the forthcoming English Summer Garden…

Lower I: when Art meets Nature

22nd June 2017

Art in the allotment One of the joys of St Augustine’s Priory is that you can combine subjects and explore different ways of working, stretching minds and expanding horizons.  Here, Mrs Mackay of the Art Department, describes Lower I’s latest artistic forays. ‘On Wednesday 14th June Lower I spent a lesson in the allotment. The…

Junior Sports Day

22nd June 2017

A wonderful day of sport Monday 19th June saw a day of hot, sunny weather and a cavalcade of sport at St Augustine’s Priory as the Junior school, from Lower I to Upper II, demonstrated their sporting prowess! Parents came in droves to support their daughters and, with a variety of sports on offer, from…

Second-hand Uniform Sale

20th June 2017

Friday 23rd June 2017 The Parents’ Committee is organising a second-hand uniform sale to take place on Friday 23rd June from 3.00pm.  It will be held in the new Second Hand Uniform Shop which can be accessed from the Prep Playground. There is stock for all parts of the school available but the Parents’ Committee…

Upper I explore conservation

20th June 2017

A visit to Woburn Safari Park Introducing important issues to girls starts at an early age at St Augustine’s Priory.  On Tuesday 13th June Upper I ventured out to explore the wilds of Woburn Safari Park and while there learnt about the importance of conservation and the protection of endangered species – all part of…

Upper I ‘At the Restaurant’

19th June 2017

Dining in French Learning languages is far more than reading out of a textbook and doing exercises.  Here Madame Assémat recounts how she has been working with Upper I on a module entitled ‘The Restaurant’.  A delightful culinary experience for all concerned! ‘Just before Half Term Upper I worked in their French classes on ‘The…

Photographs from St Augustine’s Priory

16th June 2017

Whole School Class photos We are pleased to let you know that we now have a web collection of the Whole School Class Photos taken on Thursday 4th May.  Tempest Photography photographed each year group from Nursery through to Priory 6.  The photographs are now available for purchase from the Tempest Photography website. The images are password…

Our response to events

16th June 2017

Grenfell Tower We are all aware of the horrific events in the early hours of Wednesday 14th June when Grenfell Tower, the tower block of flats in North Kensington, was destroyed by fire.  Our thoughts and prayers are, of course, with all those who have been affected by this terrible, terrible tragedy. Our response is…

Junior sporting achievement

15th June 2017

Netball triumph! Sport is enjoyed by all pupils at St Augustine’s Priory and many pupils take part in sporting activities outside school.  One such pupil, Naomi Nnatu, Upper II, is a member of the Grasshoppers Club and her team recently excelled in a netball competition. At Grasshoppers she has played all season with the U12…

Lower II’s adventures in Osmington Bay

15th June 2017

Adventure for all! Osmington Bay in Dorset is the perfect place to enjoy outdoor activities and a spot of adventure.  And this is where Lower II went from 5th – 7th June for their residential visit, an opportunity for activity, bonding and teamwork.  Here Mrs Round, Form Teacher, Lower IIA, reports on this highly successful…