Category: Junior

Meeting Members of Staff

18th May 2017

Ms P Cattigan… This term we were happy to welcome Ms Cattigan as Form Teacher for Lower II Alpha during Ms Daya’s maternity leave. Here she tells us about herself: ‘As a parent of a former St Augustine’s Priory pupil, I know first-hand what a unique and special school this is and am delighted to…

Congratulations to our new School Officials

15th May 2017

(above) Our outgoing Upper VI Leadership Team Last Monday, 8th May, the whole school gathered in our newly refurbished school hall to hear the announcement of our new School Officials for the 2017-18 academic year.  We would like to thank Erin Costello and the current School Officials for all they have contributed to the life of the school this year and congratulate…

‘Alice, The Musical’

11th May 2017

Upper II’s enchanting production Thursday 4th May saw a spectacular baptism for our refurbished Hall.  Upper II presented ‘Alice, The Musical’ to an appreciative audience of parents.  This musical retelling of the classic tale, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ saw great acting, spectacular sets, magical music and eye-catching costumes bring this story to life.  Earlier in the…

Paris Netball Squad 2017

5th May 2017

Paris Netball Squad 2017 Taking on a Whole New World in Disney To compete against teams from around the world is of great benefit when seeking to improve your playing standard and this opportunity was given to St Augustine’s Priory netball players when, in the Easter holidays, we sent a netball squad to France to…

Lower II Ballerina to make debut in ‘The Secret Garden’

5th May 2017

We have received exciting news that one of our girls, Kanae Hashimoto of Lower II, will be performing The Secret Garden as a member of the London Children’s Ballet.  More than 500 children auditioned for the performance company, who create a new West End ballet each year performed by talented dancers aged 9-16. Of these…

No Paper Day

3rd May 2017

Mr Chappory and his fierce team of No Paper Police (of Form III alpha) ensured that No Paper Day on Tuesday 2nd May was tearrably successful! Lower I using the grid method Sennen, Siya and Emily of Lower IV A, the No Paper Day party, created a powerpoint about the No Paper Day purpose and…

Our allotment

28th April 2017

Spring gains ground Parents Mr Klein and Mrs Ransome have been working hard to prepare our allotment for the summer season. Watched by our curious chickens, Mr Klein and Mrs Ransome have been preparing the beds.  This is their report: ‘Mrs Ransome and I have prepared all the beds and made them ready for another…

Maths Week in the Juniors

28th April 2017

Our budding Mathematicians Miss Gambrill, Form Teacher Upper IA and Maths subject leader, has been busy organising Maths Week in the Juniors with great results! Here, she reports on the activities enjoyed this week: ‘This week the Junior and Prep girls celebrated Maths Week. The main aims of the week are to promote Mathematics as…

No Pens Wednesday

28th April 2017

Art with a difference Lower I made the most of No Pens Wednesday on 26th April during their Art lesson with Mrs Mackay, which they spent out in the meadow creating beautiful land art. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy whom Lower I have been studying as part of the curriculum, the girls gathered materials in the…

Academic excellence

27th April 2017

Scholarships for the Senior School for September 2017 Although we have only just commenced the Summer Term 2017, at St Augustine’s Priory we are already looking towards our new academic year, starting in September. To that end we are pleased to announce the scholarships which have been awarded to girls who will be entering the…