Category: Junior

Upper I visit Kew Gardens

29th March 2017

On Tuesday 21st March Upper I took on the role of plant hunters on an exciting visit to Kew Gardens.  Some of Upper I have written about their favourite parts of the trip: ‘As a school trip, we went to Kew Gardens and I loved it! My favourite part was when we went and did…

Prep III visit the Florence Nightingale Museum

23rd March 2017

A memorable visit into history Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher Prep III, here recounts the recent visit of Prep III to the Florence Nightingale Museum: ‘Prep III’s current History topic is Florence Nightingale and, on Thursday 16th March, they travelled to Central London to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum. The girls were amazed to see Miss…

Carnivorous Plants and our Terrarium

21st March 2017

Cross-Curricular activity Our 2017 school production ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ and its rapidly growing carnivorous character ‘Audrey II’ inspired much cross-curricular activity here at St Augustine’s Priory. Here, Mrs Bennet, Head of Maths, reveals all that was involved: ‘As soon as we knew that the school drama production this year was to be Little Shop…

Book Week

21st March 2017

Book Week is upon us with all the wonders of the world of books ready and waiting to be explored!  The poster below gives you some idea of how we are celebrating literature this week at St Augustine’s Priory.

British Science Week 2017

20th March 2017

What affects bread rising?  Does colour affect what we eat?  How does sight affect your balance?    British Science Week is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).  From Monday 13th – Friday 17th March pupils and teachers at St Augustine’s Priory embraced the chance to get hands-on with their subjects.  Lessons at…

Cinnamon Press Poetry Prize

16th March 2017

Debut Poetry Collection Prize 2016 Congratulations to Mr Neil Elder, English Department, who is joint winner of the Cinnamon Press Debut Poetry Collection Prize 2016. Mr Elder organises the Tom Warner and Holly Hopkins poetry workshops at St Augustine’s Priory and edits ‘Poems from the Priory’, our annual booklet of pupils’ poetry from these workshops….

St Augustine’s Priory presents: Little Shop of Horrors

14th March 2017

The biennial school production brought the house down at Questors Theatre. Congratulations to the cast and crew of this year’s school production, the musical comedy Little Shop of Horrors.  Last weekend, on the 9th, 10th and 11th March all their hard work culminated in three nights of outstanding performances at The Questors Theatre.  We would…

BBC Radio 3 Composer of the Week: Hannah Kendall

13th March 2017

International Women’s Day Celebrations BBC Radio 3 featured Hannah Kendall, renowned composer and past pupil of St Augustine’s Priory, last Wednesday 8th March, International Women’s Day, as their Composer of the Week in their series of Contemporary British Women Composers. BBC Radio 3’s website for 11th March says:  ‘Donald Macleod speaks to five members of…

Opening night!

10th March 2017

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Little Shop of Horrors Opening night of this year’s school production, Little Shop of Horrors, on Thursday 9th March went down a storm.  The monochrome set and costumes, spectacular singing and the homemade Audrey II plants tied together a moving and hilarious performance.  Even our carnivorous plants made…

The Drama Department

10th March 2017

Outstanding provision for all! In the week of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, our school production at the Questors Theatre, Ms Brown, Head of Drama and LAMDA at St Augustine’s Priory, here tells us of all the wondrous things that go on in the Drama Department: ‘The St Augustine’s Priory Drama Department aims to develop individuality,…