Category: Junior

Lower II and Charities Week

10th March 2017

A raffling success   Mrs Round describes how Lower II triumphed in fundraising in Charities Week: ‘Lower II were thrilled to have sold so many raffle tickets during Charities Week, but there could only be one lucky winner of our top prize – the much coveted £50 Boden voucher. And it went to Louis Kovacs…

Spring has sprung!

9th March 2017

Counting chickens… This year we took possession of some eggs in the hope that some of them would hatch into chicks! This did not take long and we are now the proud possessor of several beautiful chicks. There has been a competition to name the chicks and some winning names have already been announced. So,…

Blind Dates with a Book

9th March 2017

Exploring the world of books Over Half Term, girls took part in ‘Blind Dates with a Book’, an opportunity for girls to take home books without knowing their titles! A journey of true literary exploration.  The aim of the activity was to promote the new books available in the Scriptorium and for our girls to…

Headteacher’s Blog

1st March 2017

“Comparison is the Thief of Joy”: Why Careers Education is about Knowing Your Soul. Every now and then there come moments of real satisfaction as a Head. Week in, week out I give assemblies and recently British and global events have given richly in the way of opportunities for comments on the rule of law,…

Improve your French!

1st March 2017

Visite de nos amies de l’école Saint Augustine Last Half Term we featured in a Priory Post article the visit of Upper I to the André Malraux French Primary School in Hanwell on 27th January and the exploration of French traditions surrounding the Epiphany and the making of the Galette des Rois (King Cake).  We…

It’s Quiz Time!

24th February 2017

Clear your diaries… The Parents’ Committee are planning another of their exciting Quiz Nights, which this year will be on Friday 24th March from 7.30pm.  This is always an event to test your knowledge, scratch your heads and get your thinking caps on (and enjoy good company and good food)! The Committee writes: ‘Please join…

Charities Week

24th February 2017

“I am only one; but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do”, Helen Keller Bring-and-buy sale hosted by Lower I St Augustine’s Priory has been humming with activities this week, from a very British Bake-off on Monday to…

Lower I and French Fashion

24th February 2017

Language learning with style With London Fashion Week well under way, it’s time to have a look at our own fashionistas. On 1st December last year Lower I took part in their own fashion show – in French.  This was an opportunity to enjoy fine clothes and fine language. Style was the watchword as Lower…

Our Christmas Carol Service

16th December 2016

Looking to the stars Our traditional Carol Service at Ealing Abbey on Tuesday 13th December was a wonderful occasion.  To a backdrop of stars, our pupils from Lower I to Upper VI joined in music and readings with parents, staff and past pupils to celebrate Advent and look forward to the birth of the Christ…

‘A Budget Cinderella’

16th December 2016

Priory Players’ Pantomime Our Head of Drama and Managing Director of the Priory Players, Ms Brown, reports on the Priory Players’ Christmas production: ‘On Friday 9th December the Priory Players staged this year’s school panto ‘A Budget Cinderella’ and it was a triumph.  Bhakti Patel, the company’s production manager, co-directed the play with me and…