Category: Junior

Carol Service Competition

10th November 2016

Design a cover for our Order of Service The St Augustine’s Priory Carol Service is one of the highlights of our year. Held at Ealing Abbey, this year the service is on Tuesday 13th December at 7.30pm at Ealing Abbey.  Attended by forms Lower I – Upper VI, the Abbey is always packed as family…

Olympic champion Hannah Macleod visits St Augustine’s Priory

10th November 2016

“To succeed, you have to believe in something with such passion that it becomes a reality” – (Dame Anita Roddick) Monday 7th November began with an assembly on ‘Resilience and Drive’ from our guest for the morning, Hannah Macleod, Team GB Olympic 2016 Gold Medallist, Team GB Olympic 2012 Bronze Medallist and member of the…

Apple Week

10th November 2016

Healthy Eating at St Augustine’s Priory The humble apple has for thousands of years wormed its way into our hearts and our stomachs. And this week has seen Holroyd Howe, our school caterers, seek to enlighten us on all things apple. With a display in the cloisters of a variety of apple varieties and a…

Response from the Vatican

4th November 2016

Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home Our celebrations of the one year anniversary marking the publication of the papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home’, has resulted in a wonderful and surprise response from the Vatican. In the Summer Term we held a ‘Laudato Si’ week, celebrating Pope Francis’ call…

Artistry in Action

4th November 2016

A Stitch in Time We were delighted when the Summer edition of The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST) magazine featured our ‘A Stitch in Time’ project, the project for the upholstering of our Chapel kneelers which our Head of Art, Miss Eng, has led and organised from its inception. Pupils take part in the embroidering of…

Little Princess Trust

1st November 2016

“I’ll grow it back anyway!” These unassuming words of Aneae Rodriguez, Upper VI, represent so effortlessly the outlook that girls at St Augustine’s Priory develop as they grow; selfless, down to earth girls with their feet so firmly on the ground when it comes to considering others.  “My motivation to cut my hair was somewhat…

Meeting Members of Staff…

13th October 2016

Mrs K Bhatti, School Librarian We welcome this term our new School Librarian, Miss Bhatti, who here introduces herself: ‘Dear Staff, Parents and Students, I am Karen Bhatti, your new School Librarian. I have worked within an educational organisation as a School Librarian for 16 years. I enjoy working with children and young adults and…

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

11th October 2016

‘Lord of the harvest, we praise you for this season of plenty.  We rejoice that you created everything for all of us to share.’  (CAFOD 2016) CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, standing alongside poor communities and working with them to end poverty and injustice across the…

Our Open Day, 8th October

11th October 2016

A welcome for new friends We were delighted that over 120 families registered for our Open Day on Saturday 8th October.  Welcomes from the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Raffray, and from our Head Girl, Erin Costello, in the Chapel were combined with tours led by St Augustine’s Priory pupils.  Families were guided around the school to…

National Poetry Day

6th October 2016

“I remember the sound of my voice echoing across the desert” This National Poetry Day, Thursday 6th October 2016, St Augustine’s Priory is being encouraged to contribute to the activities set out by our English Department, using our school theme for this academic year ‘Memory’ to inspire us.    Stairwell walls have been papered with poems, and…