Category: Junior

Upper II production of Annie Junior

6th May 2016

“It’s a hard enough life for us”… But not for the audience! A crowded room of proud parents and teachers were itching to join in with the singing that filled the hall of St Augustine’s Priory on Wednesday evening, during Upper II’s production of Annie Junior. In the words of Director of Music, Mr Martin,…

The Benefits of Reading (Part Two)

5th May 2016

From the Counsellor’s Chair Mrs Good, our School Counsellor, here contributes the second in her articles on the benefits of reading: ‘In my previous article I explored the benefits of reading to children.  But what if encouraging your child to read is a challenge?  After a day of lessons that includes reading, some children may…

Music News

5th May 2016

From the Director of Music Four weeks into term and it is wonderful to hear the sound of rehearsals underway at lunchtimes, before and after school. A number of ensembles have chosen to mark this year’s Shakespeare anniversary in creative ways. The Senior Orchestra has started rehearsing the Dance of the Clowns from Mendelssohn’s music…

Youth Mayor of Ealing raises funds for charity

5th May 2016

The Little Princess Trust During her year in office, Pervin Kaur, Upper VI student at St Augustine’s Priory and Youth Mayor of Ealing, is working hard on several issues including fundraising for The Little Princess Trust, a charity which provides real hair wigs to children across the UK and Ireland who have lost their own…

Upper I and Lower II go to Norfolk

28th April 2016

  A Spring residential visit Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, reports on Upper I and Lower II’s adventurous residential visit in Norfolk. ‘On Wednesday 20th April Upper I and Lower II set off on an exciting residential visit to Kingswood, West Runton, Norfolk. We stayed for three days at Kingswood taking part in activities…

Musical News

21st April 2016

A focus on the Mass More news from our Director of Music, Mr Martin, re musical news this week: ‘The Summer Term has got off to a fine start and congratulations are due to all the girls who took an ABRSM instrumental exam last term. It was an excellent set of results with a 100%…

Lower I and British Values

21st April 2016

What does it mean to be British? ‘I do not like tea, it is disgusting!’  So states a member of Lower I in this ground-breaking video on what it means to be British, produced by the pupils and their teacher, Mrs Van Der Merwe. The girls voice their support for the shared values of the…

Upper I and Lower II deliver Birthday Greetings

21st April 2016

  Visit to Sandringham On Wednesday 20th April Upper I and Lower II left St Augustine’s Priory to go on a residential two day visit to Kingswood in Norfolk where they planned to take part in various adventurous activities. However… on the way they stopped at Sandringham, the Norfolk country estate of The Queen.  They…

Sixth Form Leadership

15th April 2016

The next chapter Schools exist for young people. It follows then that the involvement of young people in the leadership of academic institutions is not only sensible, but necessary. By providing girls with greater ownership of their educational experience, we ensure they develop the skills to manage their own direction in life, which in a…

Calais Kitchens

14th April 2016

Lent Collection feeds thousands with fish The final newsletter of Lent Term commenced with a message from Mrs Raffray which highlighted the many freedoms we in the UK enjoy and which other people, in other places, are not so fortunate to experience. The backdrop to this reflection was a Monday morning assembly in which the…