First Frame Finale The familial community of St Augustine’s Priory manifests itself in many ways, not least through those creative outlets that awaken our imagination and evoke a sense of legacy. We are blessed by a history rich with spirituality, kinship and shared responsibility. Peculiarly in this age of ‘magpie’ like behaviour, in which…
A première evening! The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee Quiz Nights are often likened to Mastermind or University Challenge. The parent body and staff members sit, pencils in hand, pondering the solutions to such queries as ‘what is the capital of Moldova?’ or ‘how many UK number one hits did The Beatles achieve?’ This year…
An evening with Dr Aric Sigman St Augustine’s Priory is looking forward to hosting an evening on Thursday 10th March with renowned Psychologist and Health Education expert, Dr Aric Sigman. The evening will follow a series of discussions between Dr Sigman and Senior School pupils and staff throughout the day. As we rely increasingly on the use of digital screens for work, study…
Individual education Our earliest education is through play and exploration. It is a process limited logistically only by waking (alas not daylight) hours and the facilities with which one finds herself presented. By following our curiosity at a pace that suits us, our mood and emotional priorities, within a very short space of time most…
Science joins all classes together February 11th 2016 has become a day of double celebration; it is both the day that gravitational waves were confirmed, and is The International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Here at St Augustine’s Priory we celebrated the day by asking the classes to pick their favourite female scientists…
An extraordinary visitor For most of us World War II is something we heard about from our parents or grandparents but for some people alive today it is a major part of their life history, something they lived through and in which they participated. On Thursday 25th February we will be visited by one of…
St Christina’s enjoys experimenting On Tuesday we were visited by Year 5 of St Christina’s Roman Catholic Primary School to enjoy a morning of science. This visit, a continuation of links with local Catholic primary schools was a great success, with our science teachers and Sixth Formers guiding our guests as they carried out experiments…
Making voices heard Mrs Farmer, Form Teacher Upper II Alpha, reports on the recent visit of Upper IIA and Upper II Alpha to the Houses of Parliament. ‘On Wednesday 27th January 2016, Upper II had the opportunity to live and breathe the seat of British values – the Houses of Parliament. We walked the path…
A scientific reaction We look forward to hosting St Christina’s Year 5 pupils for a morning of scientific fun and experimentation on Tuesday 9th February. This event continues our programme of partnerships with local Catholic primary schools. Mr Barnes, Head of Science, has organised a morning of exciting activities which focus on the subject of…
Some events so far… It is only the Wednesday of Charities Week, but it has been a packed three days. The own clothes days have been very popular: on Monday members of St George’s House travelled the school dressed as superheroes. There were several Wonder Women, the Flash was observed and Super Women and Cat…