Category: Junior

Modern Languages Day

13th March 2016

Local school partnership with international focus ‘Partnership working’. This is a phrase we often hear thrown around and tagged to an infinite number of contexts. We all have an idea of that to which someone is referring with the use of this term, but is it in danger of joining the ranks of ‘synergy’, ‘downsizing’…

Open Day, 5th March 2016

11th March 2016

Welcoming our guests   We welcomed a record number of families to St Augustine’s Priory for our Open Day on Saturday 5th March.   After visiting our café for refreshments, families were taken on tours around the school by our Senior School guides.  There were activities in every subject area, ranging from mono-printing in the Art…

Music News

11th March 2016

Forthcoming events  Mr Martin, Director of Music looks forward to forthcoming musical events: ‘As we approach the Spring Concert on 22nd March, lovely sounds are emanating from the last few rehearsals of all the ensembles and choirs which will be taking part.  We are particularly looking forward to a James Bond medley from the Senior…

Space Seeds!

11th March 2016

Experimental horticulture   Miss Varrow, Science Department, informs us of the incredible news concerning space and St Augustine’s Priory: ‘I am very excited to announce the Biology department of St Augustine’s Priory will be taking part in an experiment run by the UK space Agency. After Easter we will be receiving seeds that have been…

Visit of ‘Wira of Warsaw’

4th March 2016

Hero of Polish WWII resistance speaks at St Augustine’s Priory At St Augustine’s Priory our theme for this year is ‘Courage’.  We were privileged to welcome someone who exemplifies this quality on Thursday 25th February when Mrs Danuta Szlachetko visited us.  A young girl living with her family in Poland at the outbreak of the…

Preps and Juniors go on pilgrimage

4th March 2016

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral   Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head, Juniors, reports on the Year of Mercy Diocesan pilgrimage undertaken this week by our Preps and Juniors: ‘On Wednesday 2nd March, Mrs Tippen and Mrs Costello accompanied six girls from Prep III – Upper II on a pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral as part of the…

A Stitch in Time

4th March 2016

First Frame Finale   The familial community of St Augustine’s Priory manifests itself in many ways, not least through those creative outlets that awaken our imagination and evoke a sense of legacy. We are blessed by a history rich with spirituality, kinship and shared responsibility. Peculiarly in this age of ‘magpie’ like behaviour, in which…

Film Quiz Night, Friday 15th April 2016

26th February 2016

A première evening!   The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee Quiz Nights are often likened to Mastermind or University Challenge.  The parent body and staff members sit, pencils in hand, pondering the solutions to such queries as ‘what is the capital of Moldova?’ or ‘how many UK number one hits did The Beatles achieve?’ This year…

Screen Time

26th February 2016

An evening with Dr Aric Sigman St Augustine’s Priory is looking forward to hosting an evening on Thursday 10th March with renowned Psychologist and Health Education expert, Dr Aric Sigman. The evening will follow a series of discussions between Dr Sigman and Senior School pupils and staff throughout the day. As we rely increasingly on the use of digital screens for work, study…

Digital Transformation

26th February 2016

Individual education Our earliest education is through play and exploration. It is a process limited logistically only by waking (alas not daylight) hours and the facilities with which one finds herself presented. By following our curiosity at a pace that suits us, our mood and emotional priorities, within a very short space of time most…