Category: Junior

Christmas Lunch

1st December 2015

Serenading our diners, crackers and delicious food! On Tuesday 1st December pupils at St Augustine’s Priory enjoyed their Christmas lunch.  This may seem a little early, but from now on until the end of term, apart from lessons and the regular activities of a busy school, we will also be enjoying several Nativity plays, the…

Juniors and Preps collect for…

26th November 2015

Operation Christmas Child This year our collection by the Preps and Juniors of gift-filled shoeboxes for children in need around the world, organised by Operation Christmas Child, was a triumph with a total of 137 boxes being donated. One of our parents kindly took the boxes to the depot from where they will travel worldwide…

Lower II presents

25th November 2015

The Blue Crystal You may think that you are in November 2015, but no.  In reality… ‘In the year 4015 following the depletion of its natural resources, Earth’s life support systems and civilisation depend upon the Blue Crystal which powers a giant computer.  When the crystal is stolen by the Zarcons, a warrior race from…

Lower I investigates

25th November 2015

Stonehenge In their History lessons Lower I has been investigating Stonehenge, the Neolithic monument in Wiltshire, learning about it through taking part in a ‘Stonehenge Fact Hunt!’ The Stonehenge Fact Hunt involved the girls exploring their classroom and finding the many facts about Stonehenge which had been hidden by their Form Teacher, Mrs Van Der…

Upper I’s Fraction Museum

20th November 2015

‘Fractions are Fun!’ After the great news of the success of the Sixth Form in the Maths Challenge, we now see how the Junior School is enjoying its journey in Mathematics. Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, reports on her Form’s forays into Mathematics, with especial reference to the exploration of the world of fractions….

Lower I and Science

20th November 2015

Light and Shadows Mrs Round, Science teacher, describes how the pupils in Lower I are discovering Science through their studies and experiments:   ‘This term Lower I are learning about ‘Light and Shadows’.  They are exploring the differences between light sources and light reflectors and sorting these into two groups.’ Our pictures show Lower I…

Lower I and Upper I Remember

12th November 2015

November, Month of the Holy Souls November is the month of the Holy Souls and at St Augustine’s Priory we mark the month in several ways, including Remembrance Prayers at Friday lunchtimes and a Remembrance Book in the Chapel where everyone is able to write a prayer or to ask for prayers for loved ones….

Upper II and Justice and Peace

7th November 2015

Investigating Hidden Sugar ‘We want to make a change’.  This comment from Sofia in Upper II encapsulates the motive behind the formation of the Upper II Justice and Peace Group. Under the auspices of Mrs Tippen, Deputy Head, Juniors, this group meets every Thursday lunchtime to work on issues of concern. Lucy said, ‘I wanted…

Lower II visits Kew Gardens

19th October 2015

Exploring the Tropical Rainforest On Wednesday 14th October Miss Keep, Ms Gambrill and Mrs Round accompanied Lower II on their Geography trip to Kew Gardens. The students arrived bright and early at 10.00am at Kew Gardens, where both groups divided up for the rest of the day. There were various activities in the morning including…

Upper I visits the Roald Dahl Museum

19th October 2015

Discovering a great author’s work On Wednesday 7th October Upper I visited the Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden where the girls explored the author’s life and work through the stimulating displays and activities. Although the girls are familiar with Roald Dahl’s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the BFG and The Witches,…