Category: Junior

Prep III go to Amersham!

8th October 2015

Barnaby Bear welcomes Prep III Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher Prep III, tells us about Prep III’s recent adventures in Amersham: ‘On Thursday 1st October Prep III and their teddy bears went on a Geography trip to Amersham Field Centre where they were welcomed by Sarah and Barnaby Bear. They helped Barnaby to pack his rucksack…

Book Week

2nd October 2015

A host of activities celebrating literature The Juniors have had a great week celebrating the wonderful world of literature.  Monday saw the author, Tony Bradman, visiting the school and not only reading from his work to the Juniors, but also conducting some sessions on creative writing and the work of an author (see interview below)….

Opening up a world for the Juniors

30th September 2015

Upper VI Former’s Mural Our theme for this academic year is Courage.  Courage takes many forms, sometimes a momentary blaze of bravery, but, more often, a steady perseverance and steadfast resolution over a long period of time. We are extremely fortunate at St Augustine’s Priory to have an array of talented pupils who are committed…

Creative Competition open to all children

23rd September 2015

‘The 100 Year Old School’ In conjunction with The Pitshanger Bookshop, Ealing, we are marking the occasion of the centenary of St Augustine’s Priory being in Hillcrest Road with the launch of a creative competition for children. The theme of the competition is “The 100 Year Old School” with a drawing competition for 4-7 year…

Priory Post 149 – Exploring the Isle of Wight

28th August 2015

Exploring the Isle of Wight Upper I and Lower II’s residential visit From Wednesday 29th April to Friday 1st May 2015 Upper I and Lower II went on an exciting residential visit to PGL Little Canada Centre on the Isle of Wight. They had a brilliant time learning new skills and challenging themselves through activities…

Priory Post 151 – Head for the Day

28th August 2015

Head for the Day Miss Olivia Barnard excels in her role On Wednesday 3rd June Upper II pupil, Miss Olivia Barnard, triumphed as Head for the Day at St Augustine’s Priory, Ealing. After Assembly she set the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Raffray, and members of her Senior Leadership Team a General Knowledge test with an animal…

Priory Post 158 – First Holy Communion Celebration

28th August 2015

First Holy Communion Celebration Lower I’s joyous Mass Our annual First Holy Communion celebration is always a lovely occasion.  This year, Fr Fintan Crotty, SS.CC. from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Acton came to celebrate Mass for those who have recently received their First Holy Communion in their parishes in an event that enables…

Priory Post 109 – Lower II and the Tudors

27th August 2015

Lower II and the Tudors Visit to Hampton Court Palace Mrs Griffiths reports on Lower II’s recent foray to Tudor times: ‘On Wednesday 11th March Lower II visited Hampton Court Palace as part of their History curriculum.  They are studying the changing power of monarchs and their current focus is the Tudor period.  Our visit…

Priory Post 112 – Upper I explore Ancient Egypt

27th August 2015

Upper I explore Ancient Egypt Visit to the British Museum On Monday 16th March Upper I visited the British Museum. They took part in a workshop about Ancient Egypt before touring the Ancient Egypt Galleries and also looked at the treasures from Sutton Hoo in the European Galleries. Here is what some Upper I girls…

Priory Post 115 – Modern Languages Day

27th August 2015

Modern Languages Day We welcome St Gregory’s   ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.’  (Nelson Mandela) Two of Ealing’s Catholic schools joined together on Tuesday 17th March when our Lower II…