Category: Junior

Priory Post 70 – Hockey Rules!

25th August 2015

Hockey Rules! Internationals visit St Augustine’s Priory Our hockey players had a wonderful time on Wednesday 21st January as St Augustine’s Priory played host to two England and Team GB hockey internationals, Georgie Twigg and Sam Ward. Our P.E. staff and coaches had organised the visit – a fantastic encouragement and a terrific help to…

Priory Post 71 – Mandarin Club

25th August 2015

Mandarin Club Preparations for Chinese New Year   Preparations for the Chinese New Year on 19th February have been gathering apace at St Augustine’s Priory under the guidance of Miss Eng, teacher of both Art and Mandarin.   Preps I, II and III have been preparing their Chinese Dragon using potato printing.  The dragon will…

Priory Post 79 – Building snowmen

25th August 2015

Building snowmen The Nursery in the snow Our grounds are covered in the first snows of the winter.  This can mean only one thing – our Nursery out and about in our grounds building snowmen. Led by Miss Bani, Form Teacher Nursery, and her colleagues, our Nursery pupils put on their warmest winter clothing ready…

Priory Post 55 – Head for the Day

24th August 2015

Head for the Day Miss V Morris takes on the challenge After parental bidding at the Quiz Night auction, Miss Vita Morris, Upper IIA, was the fortunate recipient of the honour of being Headteacher for the Day, a role she undertook on Tuesday 11th November. Miss Morris took her responsibilities seriously and conducted the business…