Category: Junior

Celebrating Building the Kingdom

14th January 2022

Creating space for our Common Good. The start of the Lent Term 2022 was marked with a day dedicated to celebrating ‘Building the Kingdom’ of God.  From Nursery to Upper II, pupils examined the Holy Family’s Flight into Egypt and looked at the plight of refugees in our world and Christ’s early life as a…

From the Counsellor’s Chair

14th January 2022

Creating space and ‘Blue Monday’. This year’s St Augustine’s Priory theme, Creating Space, has never been so important and our Counsellor and Play Therapist, Mrs R Good, here tells us one way to create space for ourselves and for others. ‘Blue Monday, which typically falls on the third Monday of January and this year is…

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

17th December 2021

St Augustine’s Priory celebrates. On 8th December St Augustine’s Priory celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Mass, beautifully organised by members of Lower IV Aleph.  On Monday 6th December, the Assembly looked at the qualities shown by Mary in her life.  She was faithful and obedient, loving and…

ISI Inspection Report

10th December 2021

St Augustine’s Priory receives report. At St Augustine’s Priory, ‘The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent’, independent school inspectors find.  The inspection of St Augustine’s Priory was undertaken by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in November 2021 and the report received by the school this week.  Some of the other key…

Carol Service 2021

10th December 2021

Creating Space. This year’s Carol Service took place on Tuesday 7th December 2021 at Ealing Abbey and, after a year’s absence, was welcomed by all at St Augustine’s Priory.  A moving celebration of the birth of Christ with biblical readings, inspiring music and choristers whose renditions of seasonal songs was beautiful in the extreme.  …

Prep I and Prep II entertain!

10th December 2021

‘The Wriggly Nativity’. Prep I and Prep II entertained us all on Wednesday 8th December with their interpretation of the Christmas story in ‘The Wriggly Nativity’.  As usual, the girls were filled with enthusiasm and the joy of Christmas and enthralled us all.  With Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds (and sheep!) the Wise Men and even…

Christmas Fair 2021

10th December 2021

A prelude to festivity. The St Augustine’s Priory Christmas Fair, organised by our brilliant Parents’ Committee took place on Friday 3rd November.  The grounds were lit up, the stalls were resplendent with goods and goodies and Father Christmas took his place in his grotto.  All that was needed was the pupils to made it a…

Upper II visit Lincolnsfield

3rd December 2021

Back into the past. Miss Carroll reports on the historical adventure of Upper II this week when they visited Lincolnsfield Centre: ‘On Wednesday 1st December, Upper II stepped into the past with a visit to the Lincolnsfield Centre in Bushey where they experienced life as an evacuee during World War II. Dressed in their finest…

An Advent Journey

2nd December 2021

Las Posadas. As we begin our journey through Advent, culminating in the celebration of Christmas on 25th December, Mrs McDermott shares with us the Latin tradition of ‘Las Posadas’ which began in Spain and which has been celebrated in Mexico for over 400 years and is also celebrated in Guatemala.  The tradition commemorates Mary and…

Faith in Action

26th November 2021

COP26 march. With the excellent response from St Augustine’s Priory to the Giant Walk to School in support of COP26, Mrs McDermott here writes about her experience on the COP26 march on Saturday 6th November. ‘On Saturday morning, I joined the CAFOD group at St Mary’s Church, Moorfields for a prayer service before joining the COP26 march through…