Category: News Flash

Hockey training with Dirkie Chamberlain

8th September 2017

As part of our mission to encourage girls to be ambitious in a happy and nurturing community, guests are regularly welcomed to the school by the PE Department in order to spend time with the pupils.  Last academic year saw role models such as Hannah Macleod, English field hockey player, and Maggie Alphonsi, English Rugby…

The St Augustine’s Priory Association

8th September 2017

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the St Augustine’s Priory Association, which took place on the evening of Wednesday 6th September 2017 – thank you to all who attended. We hope that the evening gave you an idea of what we hope to achieve and an opportunity to catch up with teachers and fellow…

Our Escape Room is open and it’s ‘the best ever’!

7th July 2017

The clock is ticking… St Augustine’s Priory in Ealing have turned their cellar into a real life, fully immersive Escape Room for the last week of the summer term.   Inspired by a school trip to live escape room ‘clueQuest’, Mr Dellow, Head of ICT, made big plans to get the girls code breaking and team…

Summer Arts Festival 2017

30th June 2017

‘This year has produced breath-taking work and committed artists and photographers of whom we are deeply proud.  Their passion, hard work and individuality is evident, and we celebrate their commitment and talent with you at our Arts Evening’, Miss Eng, Head of Art. Every year, our Summer Arts Evening showcases the Art, Poetry, Music and…

St Augustine’s Priory Sports Awards Evening

23rd June 2017

“My young girl returned home last night afterwards, truly inspired by the entire event” (St Augustine’s Priory parent) The annual Sports Awards Evening is a tradition that brings passion for sports and our school spirit together in a celebration, and recognition, of the talented and hardworking sportswomen of St Augustine’s Priory.  The evening is not…

Olympic champion Hannah Macleod visits St Augustine’s Priory

10th November 2016

“To succeed, you have to believe in something with such passion that it becomes a reality” – (Dame Anita Roddick) Monday 7th November began with an assembly on ‘Resilience and Drive’ from our guest for the morning, Hannah Macleod, Team GB Olympic 2016 Gold Medallist, Team GB Olympic 2012 Bronze Medallist and member of the…

Priory 6

9th September 2016

Priory 6, the new Sixth Form of St Augustine’s Priory, was a hive of excitement on the morning of Friday 2nd September, when Lower VI students heard presentations from Ms Hagerty, Director of Sixth Form and Head Girl, Erin Costello. In rather comfortable chairs in their newly refurbished Common Room, students listened to details of…

Headteacher’s Blog: being

12th July 2016

Do you wish to be great? Then start by being. St Augustine of Hippo. Is anyone reading this? Will you get to the end? Why are you here? Where is here? Education has always sought to be life changing whether conceived as an idealistic activity or one with the practical purpose of preparing us for…

Elizabethan Extravaganza

8th July 2016

Pupils, parents, neighbours and staff, tarry together and much merriment hath. The jovial atmosphere of St Augustine’s Priory was palpable on Saturday last, when the preparation of pupils, staff and our dedicated Parents’ Committee came to fruition. WARNING: This blog contains frivolous use of superlatives and far too much Tudor phrasing. Once the stalls were…

Inside the House of Commons

8th July 2016

Eleanor Priestley reports on her political work experience. Sixth Form student, Eleanor Priestley, shadowed Steven Pound, Member of Parliament for Ealing North during the week 27th June 2016. Here she provides an account of her time with Mr Pound, in the local surgery and the nerve-centre of British politics, the House of Commons. “At last…